Road deaths are 'obviously' caused by fast drivers, as because they are driving faster, their thinking distance is increased; their braking distance is increased and they have more chance of losing control due to the larger turning circle of the car. However, slow drivers pose a threat too. Hear me out: if you're stuck behind an old bastard toodling along at 20mph on a singl-lane road, you're going to want to overtake. Overtaking is a huge risk and if you risk overtaking when you can see oncoming vehicles close by and you erm... fail, that's an instant kill. Because of a slow driver. When you're driving fast you can hit people and other drivers, but you're most likely to hit a tree or a wall or a lamp post or something. When a slow driver is overtaken, the overtaker can kill himself and anyone they hit. Head on. Are fast drivers really the worst type of drivers? Discuss.
I guess overtake means pass? I'll also assume that this is a normal two lane road one lane going each way. If that is so, you should just stay behind the person even if they are going slow. Its your own stupidity if you try to pass them when another car is coming. So basically, slow drivers don't really cause anything unless they are on an interstate but then they have to be going like 20 under the speed limit.
I know it may sound a bit like an oxymoron, but I'm responsible when I drive fast. I don't drive fast unless I know I can handle the traffic and roads. I'm a very defensive driver, but I've also almost crashed because a little old man pulled out in front of me and kept going thirty miles an hour in a fifty section(I wasn't speeding mind you). I happen to have a sports car, so my brakes are good, but still. I guess imy view is ts more of the distracted driver than anything else, assuming no one is under the influence.
I live in NJ and more than often than not there are always people driving insanely fast. People in NJ have no manners when driving and cut people off at their leisure. They don't yield, they don't stop at stop signs, and when they cut you off and you beep at them, Then they give you a weird look like you did something wrong. Not all fast drivers are bad drivers. However, I've had my taste of rude obnoxious stupid fast drivers and it sickens me.
How fast a person drives can effect reaction time, so naturally if you're driving much faster than suggested, you're more likely to be in an accident. I think speed isn't as much of a problem as distractions while driving. Music, cell phones, dvd players, GPS units... all that crap that keeps our eyes off the road... that is what causes most accidents (and occasionally coupled with driving too fast).
Atleast fast drivers are resting responsibility in your own hands, whereas driving slowly is placing the responsibility on others. Speed isn't the issue, it's slowing down. If everyone went 10 or 20 over the speed limit, nobody would hit anyone else..
The best kinds of drivers are the ones that drive the speed limit. Road deaths are caused by people who are either going way to slow or way too fast.
I not that intruiged by this debate, swo i won't do proper research, but i know the figure fot people who have died JUST by speed in england, that means they are not drunk or stoned, or when it wasn't their fault (E.g someone pulled out in front of them)is around 17%. But governments like to vmake themselves look good by making the figure as big as possible and then pretending they care, by doing pointless things like speed cameras. I would lvoe to know the figure without overtaking also; Pure speed that people cannot control. This is how is see it: If you want to drive slow, fine, but get out of the way. Not only are you letting them get on with it, but they would have overtaken you, so if you just pull over, it is the better option. To conclude: I voted for Slow Drivers - If they just let people past, they would not have to overtake. EDIT-- "The statistics for Durham showed that, of 1,900 collisions each year, only three per cent involved cars that were exceeding the speed limit, just 60 accidents a year. Look more closely at the causes of these 60 accidents, the "actual cause of the accident invariably is drink-driving or drug-driving". Drug-taking was now involved in 40 per cent of Durham's fatal road accidents. Many accidents, he said, were caused by fatigue, although one of the most common causes was the failure of drivers to watch out for oncoming vehicles when turning right. To none of these could speed cameras offer any remedy. "The cause of accidents," Garvin concluded, "is clearly something different from exceeding the speed limit". " There you go, a bit of evidence =) Source
He has a point. If the speed limit was the speed you had to drive, no-one would crash. Except for drink driving/drunk driving of course.
But 30mph is much to slow for most people under 60 years old, thats why people overtake. Because they want to go faster than the limit. At this point, please refer back to my previous post. ^
well if 30 mph is the speed limit than its the persons fault that they want to speed up and go over it to pass the guy going the speed limit.
Yeah, but those people shouldn't overtake. It's only if the Grandad is doing less than 30mph or less than the speed limit that they should o/t
Yes, but we are debating whether it is dangerous or not. Surely, if you can see someone wants to go past, you pull over and let them get on with it? Surely it is safer for you to let them past than just carrying on driving so they overtake you? Again, refer to my evidence!
Dunno the stats, but I only drive fast. Drivin slow gives me anxiety. Don't get why people get so angry about it. Ive been drivin for a bit over a year and nvr have ran into anyone. just get from place to place faster.
I shouldn't really be arguing with you, I'm supposed to have a neutral stance. Argue with someone else.
Statistics do not account for accidents that are not reported. If all drivers on the road move at a variable of speed. Then, faster drivers will hit pockets of slower drivers. Another variable to account for is if people driving fast are going over the speed limit. We also have to account for people driving slower than the speed limit. In addition, we should also account for traffic. With all of these variables in play then we can have a clear cut answer as why speeding/driving fast is more dangerous.
Despite what you hear from the government, the stats do not suggest that. Going back to my other point, since Mr.Fingers doesn't wish to argue, do you agree that if you are driving 30mph, and someone comes up behind you , wanting to go past, you let them past? Surely, if those saying 'Faster drvers are dangerous' feel it is about safety, surely it is safer to let someone past than to stay in the road so they overtake? Thats just common sense.
And then when a new driver gets on the road then what... the perfect machine crashed... breaks and burns ..ALOT! Matty's Theory only works for a short amount of time with a very big mix of people driving. You cant' force some one to go faster... its unheard of..but you can make someone go slower. First off because not every one would be able to drive safely at these conditions.... in actual truth. THE SPEED Limit is a set value of what people even new at driving can drive at as well people driving for 10's + experience. The issue with rasing the level of speed is based on the level of what the youngest drivers should be able to handle. The youngest of drivers are also blamed in being the most likely to get in accidents for reasons stated above of distractions, as well speed, or just the lack of skill and reaction time. THe only other factor to why speed is limited is because the faster you go the BIGGER the smash. Based on laws of motion and force you can understand why on even a limited scale it would be wise to go slower then a level were you have milliseconds to save lives. In the thought slow people driving place there responsibility on others... are actually a true statement. They have faith that the other person will take the time in trusting each others lives by being conservative and safe on the roads ahead. See the person speeding doesn't just have one life to take responsible for its actually quite more than one its every one else he is speeding around.
You are missing the point. The stats suggest that a very low number of crashed are caused by excessive speeding, more are cxaused by stupidity such as pulling out in front of someone. And of the few that are caued by speeding, a great deal of those people were under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Governments make speed out to be a bigger problem than it is. And come somone please get to the point in my last post? I will go over it again. If you are driving the limit or slower, and someone comes up behind you, do you get out of the way for them to go past, or not? Surely you do, as it is safer for them to just pass you normally instead of overtaking? I thik tyhat was Matty's point, about others safety in the slower drivers hands...
Slow drivers leave it up to the person to put themselves at risk. When someone is driving fast, he is involuntarily putting everyone in harm's way.