Gadgets that make you look like a jerk Seven fairly common gizmos you might just look cooler without Linux Linux is great. It's a free, open-source operating system (OS) based on work done by Linus Torvalds in the early '90s. Again, it's free, powerful and easy to ... Oh wait, it's a pain to use. Let's get this straight: Linux is very good, and leads the charge in an ongoing revolution in free software. However, a lot of Linux users out there give the whole thing a poor name. They forget that most people don't know as much as they do about computers. Some people garden, write poetry, fall in love or ... er, bloviate about gadgetry. Please don't confuse your fanaticism with superiority and, for the love of Jobs, stop telling us we're sheep under the sway of Microsoft. No one likes Comcast either, but until it's convenient to string our own fiber optic cable we're sticking with it. ( is a Microsoft-NBC Universal joint venture.) Cool if: You're not heaping disdain on the rest of us, or maybe if you're in charge of a server farm. Not cool if: You feel your mastery of computers excuses your inability to control a neck-beard. .source
It's somewhat true though. I would know how to install ubuntu, but no idea where to go from there. I'm not tech savy enough to know what to do with it. And let's face it, I haven't seen anyone cool that uses Linux. Sorry Nemi.
inorite... I hate Bluetoothers to no end. Do people really think they're sooo important that that can't even walk around in a shop without wearing one? They think they're sooo cool too. Losers...
True, but it's free. That's what my friend says about Xbox Live. "Sure Xbox Live is better, but PSN is free!" He makes a good point. If you're getting something for nothing, why should it be good?
That's not the point. And I'm not saying it isn't "good", just not very cool at all... Is PSN cool? I think we can all agree that it is not... Sooo, see where I'm going with this. Read the first paragraph again.
Wait, isn't MSNBC the one writing about this? Okay, now it makes sense. I use linux for servers now. And I dual boot so I can manage them better. But having Windows on dual boot is more convenient than Wine.
Lol, i've always wanted one of those bluetooth headsets for the sake of looking like a prick. Too bad i can't afford the super legit ones... That whole list made me lol. On the segway, "Cool if: Nope!"
You can buy a decent bluetooth head set for $30 now. They aren't too expensive. What was the comment on ipods about? I couldn't understand what it was bitching at? Accessories? Or just the hype around apple to begin with?
how everybody thinks their so cool because they have the signature white headphones... and how people buy special stereos made for iPod with iPod docks... I'll admit, having the white headphones back in '05 when iPod's weren't popular was cool, but now everybody has them...