So these are my first creations that I have made and they are not great but for me they're pretty good. I was just wondering what other people think and if anybody has some tips for me or cool things to try. But I do only have GIMP so don't tell me Photoshop Stuff. And just wondering who else in the FH Community uses GIMP? I was mostly experimenting with stuff and playing around when I made these but here they are: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 NEW More fooling around: And yes I know this needs to be cropped on the right sode. I think this next one has too much going on but it is supposed to be more of a sig: MORE NEW There is supposed to be a third but I screwed up and am having a problem with saving and merging layers on GIMP. Feedback Please!
Hmmm.... Okay so first things first. The pics themselves are WAY too big. The huge white half of it makes it seem empty and lacking. Usually good creations are around 300 x 150 - 200 x 500... That's about it for sigs and this style art. I like the "Grid" on the left in the top one. The fading out of the bar seems kinda.... hard? Like the line is just there. Also the negative or w/e you used on the spartan where the line crosses looks... bad. Also you use the tealish color and white too much. More contrast is needed. Try experimenting with sharpening the spartan and making the line flow nicer. Maybe some feathering on all 4 sides would help. Just something to make it less harsh. I use PS though so I can't tell you exactly how to do those things. W/e... Hope this helps.
Ya ok I get what your saying and I agree I always thought that line looked out of place but I wanted to see what other people thought. And ya i knew the pics were big for sigs but I was just screwing around so I didn't really care. And I just love that tealish color so much I am attached really. But by contrast I'm not good with color terms but if I am correct Contrast is the brightness I think.
Really I just sorta popped those effects in there randomnly because I DL'ed a bunch of new brushes, C4Ds, and Renders but thanks.
Contrast is like.... The distinction between the colors. For example. A really dark grey and black wouldn't have much distinction. And yet white and black have a lot of contrast.... That's the best I can explain it... w/e.
Ok ok I get it. It's basically the range between two colours. But more of a brightness range. I don't feel like I am saying what I am thinking right but I get what your saying so it's all good.
Um actually I have GIMP. But it is basically a free copy cat version of Photoshop and since I'm so cheap me and the program go together like Mac N Cheese. But thank
Thanks expect more since I'm in my room studying for my exams and basically when I get bored I just pull the GIMP window up and screw around and Diz thanks for the info. Another thing whe I save Diz it always has to export and stuff. But then it merges all my layers into one? Would anyone know how to stop this so that I can go back and edit it? Because I just tried to go back and it didn't work.