This is basically the same as the first except for now there is now teleporters on the bottom so you shoot out of the map and die when you fall through the shields. Here is the teleporter pool at the bottom And here is where the teleporters send you If you want to see the rest of the map's layout View the V1 link And here is the download link that brings you to the tramp wars file set : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Sets And remember The last word is die
Err..... were I you I would really just edit the original post, otherwise people will see this and start flaming you. Just a suggestion.
You souldnt rate your own map... people will flame you... But this looks actually pretty fun, allthough what if two people go into the teles at once? Wont they be blocked and one person will be on the ground? Other than that one issue, this looks like a really fun map, from what the pictures show, and i think you did good. ill give ya 3.5/5!
I agree with weazel, you should have edited your last post, this isn't technically a double post, but it is disrespectful. If your map looses it's download number no one will care, it is better to have little download and a lot of respect. I'll give you some leeway because your new, but you should refrain from posts like this. All matters aside, this does look like a fun map. Keep up the good work.
I would suggest that you spread out the teleporters along the bottom instead of having some big pile.. so you instantly die instead of having to walk to the portal, Also, did you add the bruteshot thing like I asked?
I don't really understand the game.. can you please put a more detailed description of the point of the game and what the gametype is like? I think its like the ol' jump-from-the-top-of-sandtrap-into-a-teleporter-and-go-flying-back-up-into-the-sky kinda game??
Did you see it? He put a link FOR YOU to look at the original thread and more pics of the map.. IS IT ALL THAT YOU DO TO LOOK AT THE PICS? sheesh..
Yah really the link is right there but the brute thing i was iffy about because its not indestructable vehichles becuase of maybe it will explode from a strong crash but the brute would definately blow the goose up so i didn't know if i should put it in or no but if youwant you can add it in
ok, Ill be sure to add that, and maybe some other stuff, I don't know. Maybe you could add shield doors merged into the walls too! this map has great potential.
Yah the only problem is that i ran out of shield doors but maybe if you want you could take the walls behind the gooses and put them into the wall but idk thats all i got but yah thatnks for the constructive criticism =)