Lets get this over with. Now, this is my first EVER map post, and my 3rd - 4th time trying merging, geomerging, etc... In maps. Interesting things in map: -Automatic Door -Elevator So yeah. Lets just go to the pics. Hope you like it. UPDATE: Pics fixed. I suggest creating a gametype to your liking. Tower: Contains Energy Sword Spawn, Sniper Spawn, can also jump to sniper balcony ^ Automatic Door/Sentinel Beam Spawn^ Automatic Door 2 / Team 1 Spawn^ Team 2 Spawn^ Team 2 Spawn Alternate View Download Link: SHOCK
Forge Hub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Competitive Maps http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-maps/18644-embed-screenshots-your-map-thread.html Embed those pics, but nice first post otherwise, nice amt of interlocking in that map, looks fun. Looks like a good Tslayer or Slayer map
this post is not up to forgewhub standards please, learn how to embed your pics or the mods will remove this post within the next 24hrs , thank you and noone else post about this and thanks again
The map is pretty cool,Even though you didnt post it right,The only thing you mite wanna fix is the ramp to sniper tower,How the double wall sticks out alot,You want wanna try to put it in place,Besides that i give it a 4/5. Keep it up.!
Bla Bla Bla Screenshots Bla Bla Bla The screenshots arean't working Use ImageShack instead of PhotoBucket
Here are the pictures I did a favor of downloading the screenshots and embedding them for you, to help show you map, It looks great. Spoiler I am guessing that this is the automatic door... but it seems you could just jump over it... V-V-V-V-V Feel free to copy this post or something or look at This help thread
I see someone posted the pics for you, and this map looks very good.. for a first submission. I myself am waiting to submit till i make a map that well. OWNS lol But anyway, i would have to say that there isnt enough cover on the sides, the barriers aren't enough. Maybe some more structures and not so much equipement.. everything else is really good 2.9/5
Lol, glad you could build a map around my switch Just one thing, like they said, the wall above the door, you need to extend it, I didn't because it was just a map to show the switch, you may also want to close in the workings of the switch a little more.
bah, I hate people who go offline right after they post a map, it's just annoying. Also, Did he give you credit for the switch? if not shame on him :shunsmiley:
Thanks for the pictures, really appreciate it. Anyway, i fixed the pictures, so thanks anyway. Gamertag: ChaoticF34r
At the time everytime I tried to embedd a pic, it gave me that BROKEN symbol so I couldn't post. So I searched it on GOOGLE and found a solution. YAY