This gametype and map was created to mimic indoor airsoft gameplay. I got the idea after playing an entire day of Airsoft with friends in Los Angeles. There are 2 sides and styles of play. This is my first map and it took me about 6 hours to test and play to make sure there wasnt a way to exploit the roofs or anything. This is meant to be played on my Airsoft Play gametype (in my file share). Heavy Gravity One Shot Kill 90% Move Speed Team Based Gameplay 15 Sec Respawn (To resemble the guys walking back to their spawn points) <Edit> Download links: Map Gametype Both sides have their own way to play A Side is low cover and open area of play, you can jump over the barriers but its leaves you a bigger target. B Side is supposed to be building style gameplay tight corners, windows to shoot through, and vehicles. B Side Red Base B Side Reds coming over B Side Blue Base A Side looking toward Blue Base A Side looking toward Red Base The Bases I would have liked to have more testing on it but I dont have many friends on at the times im on. If anyone would like to help me improve this map later on, send me a friend invite Gamertag: Ninja3D
looks good but it has been almost sdone before and lots (paintball) also it looks kinda messy because of the no interlocks and i dont understand how there is 2 sides? do people spawn on each side or is there a teleporter?
Well you spawn on either side and there is a teleporter in each base to take you to either side B or A its just 2 different kinds of strategies
cool idea i like how you use Airsoft with pistals not paint ball with plasmas but you could work on the bases use interlocking 4/5
thanx yeah i havent really tried interlocking, im trying to look for some people to forge with and test this out further it took me 2 days in all to do this
Airsoft lolwut! Well You nabbed my attention with the words Airsoft in your post I'll download your map and test it out. I wanted to make some airsoft maps awhile back and never got around to it Glad to see some more airsofters on FH. EDIT: No download link? Is this only for testing? Moved to Discussion.
im sorry im still new to this its in my fileshare gamertag: Ninja3D if there is a way to link to that can someone show me
Gametype Map To make a link, highlight the text you wnat to make into a link, click the little world symbol with the chain links in front of it, and copy & paste in the URL. Easy. The map looks very clean despite the lack of interlocking. Albeit not very original. Pretty good attempt, but why isn't this in Halo Forge Maps?
ahh because Bl00D F1R3 moved it cause i didnt have a download link i should msg him and inform him thats its updated but yeah i would have liked to done a little more to this... but this was my first map and i tested it for hours tying to make sure it wasnt one sided or anything... im still questioning where I put the bases and how they are set up. Ive got a few ideas, if anyone who likes this map would like to help me possibly improve this send me a friend invite, im always open to criticism and suggestions.