Link here. Shishka | Playlist Overlord | more groups | message user gamertag: Shishka user homepage: link more posts by this user last post: 01.23.2009 5:52 PM PST -S I read your review of Smashed. You've convinced me that you're exactly the last kind of person I'd ever want to put on a pedestal. You're so busy making sure you meet ForgeHub's checklist of exploits that you can't even take the time to make sure your own spawns overlap. Then, when someone makes a map that doesn't correspond with what ForgeHub tells themselves is the "correct" way to do things, you write a petty missive about how your own map is so much more deserving of spotlight because of a combination of your own personal stereotypes about gameplay and Forge techniques. You're no longer welcome here. You're no longer welcome to submit map variants, and in the future I'll be very careful to make sure any ForgeHub submissions are closely looked at to make sure we don't accidentally give someone as full of themselves as you are vindication for their ego. FORGEHUB MEMBERS, LISTEN UP: Atlas was born specifically because groups like yours cannot be trusted to provide Matchmaking-worthy maps. This group is clique-agnostic to avoid scenarios where one group and its personal expectations of its members does not poison the possibilities. It is great to have your own standard. Acting like your standard is more important than other people's, however, will cause drama, and I will not put up with drama. If you cannot be constructive to anyone that doesn't follow your clique's ideals, you don't belong here. If you're more invested in making sure boxes are lined up than you are in making sure your spawns are placed correctly, you don't belong here. If you're going to cry like a child if/when your map isn't accepted, you don't belong here. If you think you or your group is more deserving than other people because of how "hardcore" you imagine yourselves to be, you definitely don't belong here. [Edited on 01.23.2009 11:11 AM PST] 01.23.2009 11:10 AM PST Just putting it out there. Edit: Link to the thread here.
Nice rant, I don't think it needs to go in Forge Discussion. Obviously everyone hates smashed, and it definitaly didn't deserve to get picked. I wouldn't say no longer welcome, but.....
This is Shishka's message... Not mine. It was on the submission thread for Verbatim and it's about forging and what Shishka thinks of Forgehub's standards and maps.
Like I would know, is the one place I never venture very far into. I thought you meant you wrote that about Shishka. Lulul (FACEPALMS SELF)
Yeah, well I'm pretty sure the gist of what Shishka said is "CreepingDeath and Lightsout are banned from Atlas Group. **** you ForgeHub."
Well I feel like crappy crap, but suprisingly Stealth, yes, Yes I do want to go make a map, in about 15 minutes and shove it in their faces to prove smashed was constructed in less than 20......
LOL GO SHISHKA! The irony of it all amuses me xD Lololololol I love it xD He's basically saying "**** you Forge Hub, **** you" xD Oh god lol, funny **** right there. Brings a tear to my eye xD
his picture about overlapping spawns is irrelevant. It's a Starting Point over a Respawn Point... it doesn't effect anything... Anyway, he does have a point with the whole message though. Most forge hub members here totally turn down a map if it doesn't use all of the forging techniques. Sure these people that make maps, with not as much interesting forging as a member here at forge hub, don't put as much time into a map than we would. But they are designing a map nonetheless. I'd like to know how much people here have ACTUALLY played Octoplex and Smashed. Sure there could be a few bumps here and there, but the point is, the maps obviously play well if they were put into matchmaking. I myself haven't played either map though, so therefore I sort of cancel out my own statement, so that kind of sucks. I'm going to play both of those maps though and I will see if they really were deserving of matchmaking or not. Regardless of the neatness and lack of interlocking and geomerging.
i personally think Shishka has no ability to think constructively. The maps he chose had their own spawn problems he even noticed after saying the reason some Hubbers' maps were chosen because of bad spawns. Also i don't believe someone with negative bias towards a top-notch forging community should be in charge of something like ATLAS. That could get in the way of better enjoyment from better maps for the entire Halo community
Hes a ****, ill be the first to say it, and i dont give a **** what him or any of you think about it. He gave us jack **** to go on, so we made our own ideal of what was what they wanted. Then he has the balls to get pissed at us for taking the matters into our own hands. **** him up the ass.
I've never heard anything from Shishka before now, but I ****ing love this guy. Send him money. Give him a raise. Set up a charity in his name. And yeah, I know I used to do that kind of crap before. He convinced me.
Well the thing that amazes me most is Shishka's locking of the thread. Creeping death posted the review of Smashed! and said it was bad, therefore in Shishka's eyes Creeping Death's map gets locked and he and Lightsout get banned from submitting maps to Atlas. I mean if he hates Forgehub so much why is he here in the first place? So what if they don't like a map, Shishka just takes his own personally grudges against people and takes it into his moderating job. I give up on Atlas now that Verbatim got locked. You guys say "Oh these are just the first 2 maps, maybe the others will be good." Atlas is absolutely pointless now. I hope you read this thread Shishka. Just ban the whole of ForgeHub from Atlas, it'll make things much easier.
I don't really understand what happened. I'm guessing Lights and Creeping were stupid and went FH mode on maps. I just think that we act like MLG players in Zombie games when it comes to judging maps.
Damn straight. It's like FH has become a business, controlled by an oligarchy of self-righteous fools, in my opinion. Let's hold hands and bask in the glory of the elite few. =D
That's not what happened at all. Shishka selected Smashed and Octoplex. Creeping politely said that he looks forward toward Shishka shedding more light on what it is they want, since he thought Verbatim's spawns were perfect. Shishka then replied that he will either make a guide on spawns, or a rant on how just because a map looks good, it doesn't play good. Well from their it spiraled out of control, and it ended up a big debate between FH and Bnet. All we wanted was to know what it is we're doing wrong, and Bnet saying that we need to stop thinking our maps are good.