I was playing on this map and to push the dumpster, I only needed on person, me. Also, I drove a warthog up to the switch and that made the propane tanks pop up. This is well made, and has a lot of uses, good job. 5/5
this looks very cool. i will download and try it out. also, since there are stairs leading up to the dumpster, could you clear out the floor on the inside of the secret room to make it two stories?
Wow, great idea! I hope somebody uses this in an infection map sometime soon! I'm to lazy to make maps right now, saving all my forging skills for Sandbox... and most ideas on Foundry aren't unique anymore. Well of course except for this! Great job and I think I'll forge around on this to figure out how it works...
OK i played this with my friend. SOOO WEIRRD. WHY does the regenerator make the propane tanks come up???
do you mind if i use this on one of my maps, ill still give you credit for the switch, great job, this is very original
thats a good switch but a little confusing and impracticle dont you think. especially for infection were the zombs are coming fast. altho you come up with amazing switches i see no use for this one goatnuts
Yes, it is not very practical if people who you are playing with do not know how to use it. But it could add some good gameplay if everyone knows how to use it. When I make an individual switch like this it most likely needs to be tweaked for gameplay, I make then more to show off what I have come up with. Trust me though when I say this that this has a lot of use, maybe not in your pov but in mine and others and im not saying your wrong either.
I disagree. I'm a very practical person and I can see this being used for many things including a sort of mobile ladder, a CLOSING door, and many other things plus if Goatnuts is correct (no doubt in my mind that he is) then the regen magnet trick can be used for other things as well so it is YOU who are wrong. As for you Goatnuts, I would raise my glass to you, if I was 21 that is =P