Highly (no pun) informative radio broadcast from Superior Court Judge Jim Gray of Orange County. Very interesting stuff about how our government truly feels about illegal drugs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzeb4btJT30
yeah the 3 ballot questions had to do with tax, weed and dog racing The majority of Mass voted to decriminalize weed....which means its not legalize just you dont get arrested if you are carrying less than an ounce...it just get confiscated. So i think how it works now is that the senators have to vote on it soon and then it takes like a month for a law to be set in place...hence Jan 4
You are the man. Thanks for reviving it, because I never got the chance to partake in the debate due my recent start in smoking. On Obama's citizen briefing book, marijuana decriminalization was number one in votes beating out the topic of the United States becoming more of a 'green' nation. (in relevance to eco-friendly) It had well over 92,000 votes, with the second topic coming in under 75,000. What's crazy though is the third topic was something about loosening the laws on marijuana possession. Wow, the U.S has more stoners than we thought! Hopefully this doesn't go unlooked, because Obama said he would listen to the people, and the 'Citizen Briefing Book' was put up for that reason solely.
I doubt decriminalization of marijuana will happen during Obama's first term just because there are many, many more pressing matters that he needs to deal with. I can't wait until it is, though. No more paranoid pussies ruining my fun.
I feel ya. I was on my friends cousins back porch and no one was home and we just got done smoking a J. Me, my friend, and his [other] cousins kind of jumped because my friends cousin (house owner) pulled up. Well, my friends [other] cousin ****in' scared us all to death by saying it was the cops. He runs and jumps off a 7 ft. porch, and about as soon as I put my hands over the rail he shout "Just kiddin'..." Gawd, I wanted to kill em', but afterward we went into my friends cousins house and we had 3 J's in rotation. New Years 2009, great story.
I remember this one time me and like 4 of my friends boxed out my friends truck. We smoked about 8 or 9 bowls and we were ****ed off of our asses. My friend decided that it would be funny to shut us all up and then scream "COOOOPSSS!!" We take off down this dirt road and we run off into a ditch. The friend who screamed cops said he was just joking around. No one was hurt and the car didn't have a scratch, but it could have been a lot worse.
That sounds intense Frap, I would've been gone though... I mean, if our fear of police and government wasn't so high, maybe we could be more relaxed about our life. Sure, we have some great times thanks to them, but what if that 'great time' goes wrong? In 2001, 723,627 were arrested for marijuana violations. Are you ****ing serious? No wonder why our jails/prisons are full. This in my book is a petty offense, and shouldn't even be worth time.
It shouldn't be an offense at all. There is nothing wrong with smoking, posessing, and selling marijuana. The ONLY reason it is illegal is because the gov't doesn't want to admit that they were wrong about the whole thing and come to terms with the fact that marijuana isn't bad for you, at all.
i started in 8th grade then stopped late freshman year because i was getting cuaght up,But Yes legalize it.
I think it's stupid that cannabis is illegal. It's not even dangerous, so what if it kills brain cells? So does alcohol. Legal stuff like pills can kill; take five too many aspirins and you're dead. I've never smoked weed but I might like to try it in the future. 60s rock artists (e.g. John Lennon) smoked joints to allow their imagination to flow so they could write better songs. The only side effect was hunger. And it still is.
dear god, please grant me the ability to punch people in the face over standard TCP/IP thanks, titmar.
Don't be too hard on him. He was quoting Daniel Tosh, a comedian. He isn't bright enough to come up with his own material.
Both make a person do nothing and become dependent on it. Not worth it. The world is dumb enough anyways... Dude, almost anything in the world can kill. But you can't make everything illegal... And yes, pills can kill too, but without pills and medications some people would die or go mentally insane. Pills/Medications help with daily life. Weed only makes you a slacker (imo). In the end I say, "Do what you want as long as it doesn't affect me..."
I've come to a conclusion that we will never be able to live in a sober society :/ By the way, does marijuana smoke contribute to global warming? Yes, it matters to me.