I knew the feature was coming, very nice job Camoflaug! Ever since I first saw this map I loved it. The gameplay was literally perfect for a one flag 2v2, and the whole interlocking and geo-merging was spectacular! 5/5 dude but the only problem is that I didnt see my youtube video anywhere in the description If you still would like the video in the thread, heres the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzrqb4ezd9c Hope you consider putting the vid in the description, and once again, amazing map!
Great Job on this one again, I enjoyed playing on it a lot. It also looks amazing bro. Its very clean and the workmenship is grand! Congrats!!!
Truly a well deserved feature right there. I simply knew it would be. As you said, the map layout really does give a factory-like feel to the gameplay and IMO 3v3 looks like the best gametype for it or maybe 2v2. The structures were all so well-made that's one of the reasons why this map deserves such an honor. I loved it from the start. Great job, camo.
I liked the original, and am loving the V2. I especially like the walls geomerged into the side base so you don't hafta see those hideous shelves. Everything works and flows well. I like the ceilings you provide to give the lower level some angles for throwing grenades. I see that you did add some weapons for the bottom level although I really think there should be something a little more motivating down there such as a powerup or something. Other than that, the map is very nice. JimP factor: 77%
Wow I love this map alot. Its definetly becoming one of my favorite forged maps. My favorite games on it are king of the hill and snipers. The layout is very neat, I also like how you used the back of the map, because I usually try to use them in all my maps also 5/5
Loved testing this one. This has been a favorite map of mine ever since v1, and I knew that once I saw that this was Camoflaug's Premium, no doubt. Good job Camo, can't to see what you come up with next.
played a 2v2 match on this last night, It was really enjoyble. Great job on the map. i.e. the bungie base area is really well done. One thing-- I wish it was in budget.
YEAAAHHH. All i have to say. My review is seen here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/46861-framework-3.html#post606830 **** yeah. Saw this map being made. Everything. Yes. Rebudget glitching is a ***** though.....
great map camoflaug, the merging in the back room is amazing. the lifts up to the hallways in the first pic are pretty epic to, keep up the good work and good luck on your future projects
I new this was a feature the second i played it. Way better than v1 and i had so much fun playing it. There is a special spot on my hard drive for this map once (once they fix my hard drive )
This really looks as if a epic map, it looks like a download, of what I can see, great interlocking, and Geomerging, i can't wait to play it!
This map is absolutely amazing. I freaking love it. I haven't actually gotten together with people to test it out, but there's no way i could delete this map from my hard drive, ever. Superbly made and it works amazingly well (so far I can tell anyways, testing it by myself).
Sweet! This is such a fun map to play, and I know I've played it at least 5 times. Congrats on getting it featured, sir!
too much time has passed between a post for this map. I had to post. Word. I <3 this map. I mean, its the best map ever for me, so....yeah that pretty much sums it up..... Oh right! I <3 you all, I moved, and my dad hates forums and says I'm wasting my life, but idk....no moar xbox for me, or anything like that, and he's at work now, so I don't have my exam at school either, therefore I'm here for like a couple hours before anyone gets home. Hurray for me. Oh right, and he IP blocked any contact with ViralGFX, making him an asshole. I love the map, needs more interlocking though... Video is bad quality, change your recording settings. The opening is bad as well. Sorry
This is a really great map. I think that its only flaw is the slight lack of cover in the central areas, a couple of upright dumpsters or geomerged boxes would probably do the job. 4.8/5
I really like this layout It seems as though it would work great with its supported gametypes. I am DLing for sure! GREAT JOB!!