Grunge Created by TH3 C0WB0Yand Crazy Squirts [br] Supported Gametypes: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 Neutral Assault 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 CTF King of the Hill Land Grab Oddball [br] Map Description This map has 7 "stations" so to say. Two are actually bases in the two recesses of Foundry, and are fairly elaborate. The other five are just small stations around the outside walls of the map. This map was made primarily for Nuetral assault, the bomb placement is suspended in mid air in the middle of the map. There are grav lifts to get up to it, the catch though is there are fusion coils flying all around it, a direct hit from one of those means instant death. There are also teleporters at each station. Any one of these teleporters can possibly go to any one of the stations, it is completly random, so you could end up anywhere on the map. The Red Base has just a few obstacles and boxes to get around with only one of the interior walls blocked off. There are propane tanks strategically placed so that, if set off properly, provide for a very hazardous approach to the bomb planting area. There is a trip mine in the weapon locker room along with two smgs. There are two spikers along the catwalk, and the bomb plant is on the inside of the back room. The door between the two bases is blocked off. The Blue Base has a limited amount of entrances to the base with choke points at all of them, there are sheild doors on both the large door to the weapon locker room and the door on the right, there is a battle rifle on the platform near the middle wall. A trip mine and two smgs in the weapon locker room, and two spikers on the catwalk. Again the bomb plant is on the inside of the back room. The station right next the Red Base is just a closed large box, with two large crates in front of it. There is a flare in front of the large box in between the two crates, there is also a firebomb behid this station. The next station is a stack of boxes and crates that goes almost all the way to the top of the level, on top of this station you will find a needler, great for grabbing it and nailing almost anyone on the map. Next on the way around you will find a Flame thrower right next to the man cannons launching the fusion coils across the map. It is possible to grab the bomb off of these man cannons, but let me add, it is a LOT more hazardous, and considerably harder to grab on the way by it. But these do make for a quick trip across the map to the blue base. In front of these stations is a small, closed box with two crates to get up on top of it to get to the grav lift that takes you up to the bomb. Beside this stack is a shotgun. The next station is a large open box, with two small, open boxes on either side, with a staircase leading to the top of the large box. Beside the staircase are two plasma rifles. Inside the large box is a hammer and a bubble shield. There are shield doors at the opening of the two small boxes, these are the only way out of this station if you are inside of it, but there are fences that can be shot through, so its not necesarily a safe room. The next station is a tall one, it reaches all the way up beside the crane claw, here you will find a flare. Behind this station is where you will find the sniper rifle. The next station there are two large open boxes, and a dumpster in the middle where the opening of the two boxes meet, there is a battle rifle in the middle in front of the dumpster as well as a regenerator. On top of one of the boxes is a bubble sheild and a needler on top of the other. There is also a firebomb grenade behind this station. In front of these stations is a small, closed box with a grav lift to get up to the bomb, the only way to get up on this box is either with a grenade jump, or jumping off of the tall station. In the middle of the map, there are two turret gun installments, and a radar jammer directly below the bomb location. This map works GREAT for 1v1 neutral assault, for those times when you just cant find anyone else to play with other then one person. It will also work with 2, 3, or 4 person teams as well. It is also functional with Oddball, teams or not, King of the Hill, Land Grab with 7 territories and 20 sec captures, as well as CTF with 2, 3, or 4 person teams. Our team here at have put some time into making this. It started as just a map to help train sniping skills by shooting the fast moving fusion coils across the map, but then we started adding in gametypes and have really enjoyed it. The neutral assault is really a blast with any number of players. Have fun. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Station 5 and Mancannon launching Fusion Coils [br] Station 4 and 5 [br] Station 3 and Mancannon launching fusion coils [br] Station 1 and 2 [br] Red Base bomb plant [br] Red Base [br] View from Mancannon on the far side [br] View from Mancannon on the base side [br] Blue Base bomb plant [br] Blue Base [br] _________________________________________________ [br] We have really enjoyed building this map, even though it wasn't initially meant to be a competitive map, there was a lot of killing and rebuilding that happened during its building. Any comments or suggestions are MORE then welcome, as long as its constructive. Additionally, here is a link to a video walkthrough of the map Click here to view the video [br] Download Grunge Grunge Team Oddball Grunge Team King of the Hill Grunge CTF Grunge Assault 1v1 or 2v2 Grunge Assault 3v3 or 4v4 [br]
looks really empty and plain I don't know Even just some crates or barriers wouldve helped this out a lot
Yeah I had thought about that, but I just really wanted a nice open area for this so that that bomb placement in the center of the map would be a nice easy target and hard to get to without being taken out.
while having the bomb placement in the open, hard to get is important Just look at coagulation for example The bomb is in the open but they counter that with vehichles and rocks for cover Although foundry is no place for a lot of vehichles... U still need a way to counter the open areas, making it not too dangerous walking in the other areas of the map The way I would counter it, would be barriers doors or some open single boxes Hope this helps Peace love gap