Catacomb Tower

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by minato, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. minato

    minato Ancient
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    Supported Gametypes:

    Map Discription:
    The map is a tower that has many crisscrossing paths inside it.
    [Yes] Interlocking
    [Yes] Advanced Floating
    [Yes] Symmetry Option

    (I made the entire map on many levels, so I had to delete the layers to take the pics, but they are there in the map)

    The ceiling from the outside.

    The top level of the map on the inside.

    The next level down.

    The floor with the stairs etc.

    The canvas that at will be used for a competition in the near future.

    The outside

    A random picture that I wanted to add in. Tell me what map it was on. The caption for it is "Why does the remote have to be so far away")

    Just in case you missed it at the top.

    Please give constructive criticism. No flames. G'day, minato out.
    #1 minato, Jan 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2009
  2. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    The map is really well made and has a new look to it that is rarely seen. I like all the different levels. The only problem is that this isn't really competitive. Do people spawn at the bottom or the top. Maybe you should add an elevator embeded on the side. This could also make a nice mini game.

    Good work

  3. minato

    minato Ancient
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    Thank you. It depends on what game you are playing whether you spawn on the top or bottom. And, trust me, it is quite competitive. Thank you for the positive comments.
  4. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    the map looks pretty good and probaly really fast for 1v1 but the caption on your last screen should be... RUG BURRRRNNNN
  5. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    quote for the random pic: Woah...... Rugburn.. good walls ffor the perimeter, i like the vertical map idea :)
  6. minato

    minato Ancient
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    Thanks. I personally thought that there weren't enough vertical maps, and I had once seen a map in a tower like mine.
  7. Sesshomuru

    Sesshomuru Ancient
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    Very intersesting, one of a kind... never seen one like it, 4.5/5, keep going minato

    ALSO: I know what map the random pic it's on, it's on Rat's Nest, you got the pic from me no-scoping a guy off of a mongoose you were driving
  8. Fatal VengenceX

    Fatal VengenceX Ancient
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    Good merging! looks very clean and smooth and quite original the layout is a bit confusing though.
  9. minato

    minato Ancient
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    What do you mean about "Confusing?" I can halp explain the layout. Basically, it is a tower of double boxes that have multiple layers. There is the floor of it, which is a few double walls merged with stairs and powerups. Then, there are four double walls at an angle and a single wall in the middle of them. Then there is a fence wall in each corner of the map above that, then there is a wall on (in) each side slightly above them. There is finally a plus sign of bridges and the ceiling. Tell me if you still don't get it. Thanks for the reveiw.
  10. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    Woah, This map is crazy man. It combines small, enclosed spaces with a somewhat tunnel system plus competitive styling. Also, the entire structure is incredibly straight, and it must have taken you a while. I don't see anything crooked in the entire map, and all of the interlocking looks very solid. It really doesn't matter that it's so small, the last map I made was also very small, so don't listen to people. Anyway, Great map, and the only thing I could say to improve it is to maybe make it a little bigger, by dropping the floors some.
  11. minato

    minato Ancient
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    The Hawk-
    Thank you for your encouraging comments about this map. If you could please PM me a link to the map you made that was small, that would be appreciated. Also, I rarely do listen to what the reviewers say, when they are whining and being annoying. Almost last, it took me about 1 hour 30 minutes total to make the map, not including when I left the xbox on when I went to church. One more thing before I leave, you kinda contradicted yourself; you said the size was fine, then later said that it could be a bit bigger. No problem with that, I just notice these things.
  12. the_ender

    the_ender Ancient
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    Wow. This map is awe-inspiring. I think I nearly shat myself. The interlocking is great, the layout is great, the amount of gametypes you made for it is dedicated, and I think I will look out for any of your future maps, sir. Anyone who says this map sucks is on something.
  13. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Oh, this is a really great map, I never saw much of anything like this, but it was fun 1v1, a little confusing, but still it was a lot of fun, I never would of thought of making anything quite like this. Great job.
  14. minato

    minato Ancient
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    Thanks, Zanitor. When you say it was fun, do you mean you dl'd it and played it. How did the gametypes work, then if you did. I didn't test assault. I am pretty sure assault works, but I can't be posetive right now. I am too busy playing Call of Duty: World at War. Damn addictive games...
  15. the_ender

    the_ender Ancient
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    I dl'd it, and it plays great. The only thing I can complain about is that the objective games don't work perfectly. Good job.
    EDIT: I just read the post above me. Sorry for not reading it the first time.
  16. Number 117

    Number 117 Ancient
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    PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW THE **** THIS IS COMPETITIVE? This my friend is a casual map. A casual map would be one where you have fun on, a competitive map is one where players are more aggressive towards getting the highest score. This clearly by it's structure and it's game play is a casual map.
  17. minato

    minato Ancient
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    Number 117-
    In this map, people do go for the highest score. You kill, kill, and kill some more to keep people from getting the bomb to the bomb set point. You will start screaming into your mic if they get more that 10 kills than your team in Hellkill(Slayer). You can and probably will get pissed off and throw your controller across the room. Don't tell me it isn't competetive. So, please shut up, sit back, and actually play a game or two when I update the map link, as the map itself doesn't play perfectly on some of the gametypes.
  18. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm sorry but I have to put a downer on this map. I played a 1v1 slayer match on it and it was not good at all. It does not flow very well and there were some spawn issues. The player I was playing against spawned right next to me numerous times. I also found that whoever got to the top just grenade spammed down to the bottom. The jumps from floor to floor were very frustrating and the whole game was just kind of annoying. I'm sorry, but this map is not very good. 1/5
  19. minato

    minato Ancient
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