I just finished the "rough" version of my map. So far so good. It actually played pretty well for the first time. I've only experienced one bad spawn in 4 games. All I have to do now is brighten the map up aesthetic wise, and make it neat, play around with some weapon placement and spawn times, then this thing is ready to go. It's very suprising how fast it has taken to forge this. I have to hand it to you, the new tear drop merging method, it works like a charm. It's probably why I finished this map so fast. Or because of the 4 hours working on it everyday. I might get some pics up of the map later...
ive tested my map... it seems alright but every1 wants more frags on it so the next thing im gonna do
Yours was pretty good when we played on it last night. But I was expecting more of a "wow" or a "omg" moment when you saw its entirety. I mean the 3rd territory for each team was the best room, I thought. There should be more frag nades gameplay wise also.
Hit me up whenever you want more tests, Pulse. I'm telling the rest of you right now that the brilliance and simplicity of PulseKiller's map has pushed the gameplay of Conquest to a whole new level. Nononononononono. No grenades other than spiker. They do the least amount of splash/concussive damage and are the only ones that should be allowed. The Conquest gametype has no starting 'nades for this very reason.
Gameplay is always better than just having a good looking map, but if your map is worth doing, the aesthetics are worth doing aswell.
I only have one frag for each team in the map spawning at 45 seconds. the only reason for the frag is so that you are able to bounce it into a room. If there was any more grenades than that gameplay would turn into constant grenade spammage and gameplay would probably be stuck at the middle territory which would totally defeat the point of conquest, which is tug of war style of play. Here's something I'm not quite sure about though... the placement of my Custom Power Up. I have it placed in an area of lower traffic, and it is it's last seconds when you reach the mid territory. My question... should I place the custom power up in an area where it can actually be used in the middle territory or other high traffic areas? or is it best where I have it?
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/53391-my-conquest-map-peek.html Just posted a peek.
I thought I'd show you guys a few teaser pics. Basically just showing where the territories are... First Territory Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Second Territory Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Third Territory Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Mid. Territory Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
lol all you people giving away your secrets before the finish line is even in sight. Giving everyone a chance to one up you before the end.
I dont know about you, but I am forging this so that I an others can have fun, not to win. The contest just gave me a reason to take a break from MLG maps.
Same here mate, but that doesn't mean I'm going to reveal my game plan weeks before the end. Even the people that help me test it won't know the full extent of what I've built.
Congratz, noobs will now get lost in your map. I geomerged all mine then realized they were then too annoying to find.
The fact that there is no ring around them like a hill and that all that there is is an overhead marker just kind of makes them hard to see the actual dimensions of them. Not really a problem, but that is why I personally use my ungeoed versions.
Mina and Amercans is looking pretty spiffy i have the basic outline of how both sides are going to look like than we will enclose the tunnels and work on aesthetics. also we has no more walls! i unbugeted them on accident and hadnt saved for a long time so
I think I must have unbudgeted like half of my stuff but i didnt realise until I was doing the aesthetics, and i could've gone back to change it but it would've taken ages to redo everything.
If you knew anything about conquest, It will show you were the territories are located via a number. sorry pulse i didn't see that you said overhead marker and dimensions, just forget about this message