FrameWork V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Camoflaug, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. xInfamous2x

    xInfamous2x Ancient
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    I have been a member on forgehub for awhile, I haven't posted much or gotten involved. I doubt many of you guys know me... however i remember playing a game with you awhile back.

    Due to my xbox not allowing me to play halo 3, i have not been able to play/make maps, But i've always been interested in how the forging is going (and partially due to laziness) so i kept forgehub as my homepage. For the past few month's there has not been one map that grabbed my attention, I've honestly only seen a few good maps come from this site. Until now, your map honestly makes me want to send my xbox in and get halo back for playing. Your sense of design and creativity with the premade foundry area, really wow'd me. I know i haven't played the map, and i can't, but luckily your pictures were able to tell me everything. Like i said before i really have not seen much talent in forge hubs featured maps, or in much forger period, but this map (by the looks of it) reminds me of some of my designs.

    10 - design
    10 - Aesthetics
    N/A - Gameplay

    Honestly, Great Job...
  2. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    OMFG, best map ive seen in a while, serously this i genus i havent seen such a great map take up all of foundry. and yes camofllaug you are magicly delicious.
  3. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
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    The map really looks like it has good layout flow for player movement. The part of the map that I like best might seem weird to some folks, however there is some really nice map features within bottom mid - There is just the right amount of play space around there. The hidden lifts add great gameplay to get out of unwanted spots, just wanted to say thanks for making a good map.
  4. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    nice v2 i dont notice much different but im glad you put more pics to look at because the feature only shows 3 pics which doesnt really show the whole asymetrical map
  5. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    TY very much for all you supportive comments. Its very much appreciative and i hope you enjoy the map as much as i do!
  6. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Just to let you know, you have this picture in the first post twice. It was kind of confusing at first, I thought there were two areas exactly the same. Idk, you might want to fix it.
  7. damarco

    damarco Ancient
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    Dude the geomerging on this looks crazy. What you did in that one room way in the back of foundry I have never seen any geomerging like that.
  8. macpatterson

    macpatterson Ancient
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    I really like it. it looks great and plays great. My only gripe is after a few days of play test, it seems as if the power drainer spans a little too fast. it seems as if there is always somebody with it.

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