Alright, this is how to make a vehicle fly, im not sure if this has been found out by anyone else, but im doing this anyway: You cannot make it fly with a vehicle already flying ( Banshee and Hornet ) 1: Sign in a guest, or have a friend join that you can trust. 2: Spawn a Vehicle and set it on 10 respawn, then drive it a FULL WARTHOG LENGTH FORWARD 3: Spawn another of THAT SAME VEHICLE IN THE SAME SPOT, set that one to 180 seconds 4: Spawn some rockets or a Misslepod 5: Have your friend pick them up, and destroy them 6: Before they respawn, set them to Instant respawn(SET Runtime minimum and maximum to the same number) 7: Wait for the vehicles to respawn 8: When they respawn, drive the first one forward and stay in it 9: when second one spawns, make ur friend pick it up, and urs should float up Sorry, was in a hurry MostFoozy is my gamertag, add me if you have any other questions.
Once they are destroyed, you shouldn't be able to select them, so I'm assuming that you would need a third vehicle off somewhere to the side in order to make them an instant respawn?
This is what i believe: Me and my friend discovered this (pheonixpatriot), we found out no matter what, if one of the 2 vehicles were destroyed, it would NOT work. Only those 2 will be linked, it is immpossible to link three vehicles together, and if you destroy vehicle #1(the one that flys), you cannot pick up/delete/destroy the other one, but the first one(flying one) is invulnerable, and its driver too, if the 2nd one is picked up.(the 2nd one MUST be picked up for the first one to fly) This is confusing, i know.
I have seen this one before too but I like that I can see it typed instead of on youtube. :squirrel_nono:
No, you destroy them both, and then set them to instant respawn. Then you select them after they spawn back in. To set object properties (respawn time, place at start, etc), the object must be selectable. However, to set run-times, you can either hit 'x' from the objects properties, orjust hit 'x' while highlighting the object in the forge palette. You don't need a third to make the other two respawn.
Floating fusion coil glitch? could you please explain? if you could link 5 - 6...well that would be amazing
This exactly the same glitch as the fusin coil / pallete one. Except this glitch requires someone to drive the ghost, not run into it. Meaning you need 2 people. This works with just about anything that will respawn instantly respawn after bieng destroyed, if set to instant respawn.
Can someone PM me to explain the fusion coil glitch a little clearer? im confused... yeah... confused :squirrel_wtf:
You need to delete the one that comes flying towards you when you pick up the first one. Then, add any weapon or object, and that will control the floatinG!