Last Defence is a twisted wierd infection map.This time the zombie's are smart got guns drive's vechicle's what ever. This is a long lost grudge the Mongols vs Chinese. The mongols got there siege weapons like ladder's and catapults. The Chinese have there great wall of china of course. The gameplay is really fun. The Story: The chinese have been at peace to long. the mongols of mongolia had the strongest empire back then now it's time for some expanding. The Mongol's of course go for china because they were the closest.So here we are the Huge wave of mongolian soldier's going against the Chinese. Time For some Pic's... Ok here's the right side of the wall. The Left side of the great wall. Yes Yes for Mongolia...... Here's the Mongols Spawn Look at me Im crawling through the little wall LOL! The Camo Spawns sometime during the game. This is the only turrets you get use wisely they spawn during the game. The Battlefield The Wraiths spawn in a certain amount of time. Use this spartan laser Very wisely Could really save your ass. The inside of the bunker oh look there's a Flame Thrower. Oh that doesn't look good ** not trying to be offensive The Inside of the Gate Here's the village that the chinese must protect. Shhhh Ancient Chinese secret hidden underground. This is under the bunker. Weapons,eqiupment,vechicles for mongol's Plasma rifle carbine needler fuel rod gun spiker mauler swords Plasma cannon Deployable cover Bubble Shield Wraith's Weapons for Chinese AR BR Rocket launcher SR Flamethrower SMG shotgun Machine gun turret spartan laser magnum Info on the Game variant MONGOLS The Humans have 100% speed 200% gravity. 110% Damage Resistance and normal shield's. Attack modifier is 100, also the humans are gold. Infected have 90% speed and 150% gravity. There damage resistance is 75% andhave normal shields. Attack modifier is 75, last but not least the powerup gives them the ability to pick up weapons. Starting weapons Humans SMG/ Infected Sword. Needed player's to play this and have fun 10-12 player's Download Here (Last defense) : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Download Here Game variant it is needed*** : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Please comment and rate Note(Im not trying to offend anyone so if you think I'm being "Racist" your wrong)
Sweey idea i like it i might down load if i find the time the rounds seem fun okay 4/5 thanks for a sweet map asomw
this looks like a pretty decent map. forge wise the map looks pretty good, love the structures and stuff like that. but game play wise its pretty good too, usually infection game types with zombies with guns are very, very, very terrible, but this one is meaningful. and with the screen shot, watch what u say, it could be hurtful to asians, like me, but ill let it go
Very interesting idea. I like how not all the power weapons spawn at one time. If they did the game would be over quickly. 5/5
the map in general looks pretty good. nice design and interlocking. the few issues i have are just my opinion. there are too many power weapons. even though they spawn at different times, they can easily be overused. i absolutely hate armories which is just one thing i just despise. one question i have is, is it right to have the chinese with all of the short ranged or low ammo weapons like the shotty, magnum and rockets. because of the weapons list, i have to say 3.5/5. has the potential for a 4.5/5 with little tweaks here and there
nice, great map, the forging looks pretty good, and well thought out, my only concern is that he mongols may be a little bit too powerful/ well armed. still, like the wall, 5/5
Umm correct me if im wrong but i don't believe your aloud to curse or but racist.... But otherwise the maps looks good enough I will DL and then give you a rating. Although please no weapon rooms...
The armory is the weapons for the ZOMBIES so no humans can use it they got weapons on the wall and every weapon has low ammo.