Download Barricade 3.0 HERE Zombies? In my factory? It's more likely than you think. *updated version* Basically, the Alpha Zombie spawns in his cage while everyone else spawns just outside it. He can escape through a gravity lift/teleporter that spawns 20 seconds after the match starts, so everyone has a short time to decide where to run. The main "lobby" (I guess you could call it that) is littered with boxes, crates, cores, and a few weapons. You can reach a few high places by crawling, crafty jumping, rolling a soccer ball, and mancannon catapulting; there are only a few weapons placed out in the open area. Your best bet to survive is to head into the secured base area. Here, you'll find a number of barriers and shield doors to take cover behind. The two big rooms each have an assortment of weapons and equipment. Both ends are now much more different from before, each having extreme advantages and disadvantages to the other. ***********My game variant, Damn Dirty Apes, made specifically for this map: Click here for gametype********** Download it, rate it (and enjoy it) please Check out my other maps on my fileshare, too. See if I have specific gametypes for any of the maps. New Pics: Spawn point; you can see the 'ape' in his cage: Side A: Side B: This bare room... Turns into Boo Radley Hideout! Side B base usually ends up being the last survivor's final stand: Give it a try It's simple and not very "WHOA"-looking, but loads of fun
Well, I honestly don't think you should be putting down your own Map by saying it's ugly.. but I'm willing to give it a download it and see for myself.
This looks a bit bland in my opinion. The 'Base Area' doesnt really look to be much more than the back hallway, and the center of the map doesnt look to thought-out either. Also I know its become a bit of a staple in Infection maps, but I am just not fond of a room full of weapons.
The outside part looks like its too plain, but I see why you don't need it to be complicated, it's good enough in the room not to.
I dunno. I LOVE Infection, I wish there was a permanent playlist for it, which means I love Infection maps, but they are all the same. It's either a 'base to holdout in' game or a game in which the zombie breaks out soon into the game. This is an alright map, but if you plan on Infection, you need a really good idea to make it original. I'll hand it to you, though; Infection maps are hard to make. Another problem is the unbalance of power. If you have too few weapons and too strong/many zombies, the zombeis have it easy. Likewise, if you have to many weapons and too few or weaker zombies, the humans have it easy. Infection maps are about original ideas and balance of power. But I do sort of like this map.