Class 6

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Devinish, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    The Idea
    You spawn with your weapons in front of you. Your health (shield) does not regenerate, and each class has a different amount (to balance it out).

    How its Played
    The game is played in rounds, with one life per person. The team with the most kills after 5 rounds is the winner. (You need This Map Variant and This Game Variant to play).

    The Classes

    DUELS: Choice of any bullet based duel weapon.

    INFANTRY: Battle Rifle, Deployable cover, Frag grenade.

    SNIPER: Only 4 shots though. Use wisely.

    HEAVY WEAPONS: Rockets, Brute shot, Flame grenades, and a Tripmine, not to mention the 3x health. But much slower than the other classes. (It's balanced, I promise)

    CQC: Shotty, Mauler, some grenades, and a Bubble Shield

    INFILTRATOR: There are three people in this picture, can you see them all?


    Actual Testimonials
    "It's pretty cool I guess"
    ~The Guardians

    "I like waffles"

    "He may be mad, but there's method in his madness. There nearly always is method in madness. It's what drives men mad, being methodical."
    ~GK Chesterton

    "This map sucks..."
    ~OGRE 2

    And there you have it.
    #1 Devinish, Dec 5, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
  2. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Re: Class 6 (Think: SOCOM / Team Fortress / Counterstrike)

    An extremely similar map was posted here earlier. Link.
  3. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Re: Class 6 (Think: SOCOM / Team Fortress / Counterstrike)

    Hmm... Indeed it was. His has a different concept than mine however. I posted the initial version (with only 4 classes) a few weeks back (not on this forum), to mixed reviews. The new Class 6 variant is much better, and balanced. We spent quite some time playtesting and such. I'm going to have to download his version, as I'm always open to new ideas.

    From what i understand though, is on his version, shields regenerate, and you have more than one life per round. My rounds are 2 minutes long, and it's best of 5. You also don't have to die in the beginning...
  4. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Re: Class 6 (Think: SOCOM / Team Fortress / Counterstrike)

    Yea I have played a few of these...definitely becoming common...but I have not found any that worked so I will try yours.
  5. Ironman XIII

    Ironman XIII Ancient
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    Re: Class 6 (Think: SOCOM / Team Fortress / Counterstrike)

    Interesting. some thing i would like to try. but i have a question, what are the starting weapons?
  6. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Re: Class 6 (Think: SOCOM / Team Fortress / Counterstrike)

    The screenshots show all of the starting weapons aside from the Infiltrator. But here they are anyways:

    Everyone starts with a pistol as their sidearm.

    Infantry: BR, Deployable cover, Overshield, 1 frag grenade
    Heavy: 3x Overshield, Rockets (only 2), Brute shot, Trip mine, 2 Flame grenades, slower walking speed
    Infiltrator: Active, SMG, Assault rifle, Flare, one of each: sticky, frag, brute grenade
    Duels: All bullet based duels + Sticky grenade and Radar Jammer
    CQC: bubble shield, Overshield, Shotty, Mauler, one frag, one sticky
    Sniper: 4 bullets in the sniper + extra pistol ammo
  7. AlExThEgReAt22

    AlExThEgReAt22 Ancient
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    Re: Class 6 (Think: SOCOM / Team Fortress / Counterstrike)

    please add pics :p
  8. gman347

    gman347 Ancient
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    Re: Class 6 (Think: SOCOM / Team Fortress / Counterstrike)

    y did u have a quote of someone who sayed that this sucks. that wont get ppl to dl.
  9. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    Re: Class 6 (Think: SOCOM / Team Fortress / Counterstrike)

    Where are the pictures?
  10. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Re: Class 6 (Think: SOCOM / Team Fortress / Counterstrike)

    The quotes are just random people saying sarcastic comments, it's a joke =p
  11. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Re: Class 6 (Think: SOCOM / Team Fortress / Counterstrike)

    P.S. Pics are there... Just have to click them.

    Since we are all lazy though, I will get some screens in the forum. Please hold.

    EDIT: Updated for your bandwidth using pleasure.
  12. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Re: Class 6 (Think: SOCOM / Team Fortress / Counterstrike)

    Hey Devinish, I realize you posted this before the rule change, but now that I'm bumping this up, you might get a lot of people complaining that your thread title isn't map name only. So you'll wanna change that. Hopefully it won't get locked.

    So anyway, I'm just browsing my group forums and I find that one of my favorite maps to play in my group's custom game nights is posted here on FH. So I just had to post here and show it some love since it's been practically ignored by the community. Shame.

    This map and gametype is so fun and great to play when you've been playing on Foundry too much. The game requires team tactics since everyone has only one life, and the team who can better work together usually wins. I really love to play this though because of the intense life-or-death battles and how rewarding killing someone is. I've never been so happy to get a double kill. I even got a triple once; I was blue team's hero. :)

    I like how your shields are essentially a healthbar, and how your classes are preselected at start. Other class-based maps are flawed in my opinion because they let you choose your class by using teleporters. It's un-intuitive- you don't know exactly what you're going to get, and it's flawed. But this game is great. Definately a must download. Play it once with a group of at least 6 and see if I'm not right.
  13. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Yeah, this was posted a way long time ago. I changed the title anyways. I still consider it to be one of my favs. I know The Ghosts and I will be making a few more of these on the new maps. Furious started one, I haven't seen what it looks like yet though.
  14. GORGE 093

    GORGE 093 Ancient
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    I have to say im not a fan of maps that have lots of teleporters on them.

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