I like both because of the armors they have. Better off with SPARTAN wearing E.V.A Helmet and Shoulders, with E.O.D Chest. Elites are still bad ass.
Elite cause I play swat all the time. I tried playing as a spartan in swat once, and I just couldn't get a kill to save my life, quite literally. I played a few games and when I ranked down I went back to elite. And they make some pretty awesome noises when they die
I choose Spartans all the time, because the first game I put on the Katana (WARNING: TURE STORY!), I was in Social Slayer, and a little kid on the other team said, (in perfect quotation) "OH S*** GUYS! HE HAS A NINJA SWORD!" Before the game started the other team left. :haha: But yeah, I gotta show of my Katana after something like that happens to me. FEAR THE KATANA!
Both. This isn't the civil war. They are different character models with different strengths and weaknesses.
I couldn't fimd a Spartan helmet that was difficu;t to headshot/snipe, so I'm an Elite now. My head bobs up and down when looked at running from profile view. And I found a glitch to let me hold just the Plasma Rifle and no ther weapon. Makes my guy look badass.
Spartan, because I am always annoyed by Elites in matchmaking, so I'm not going to do it to others. Except in SWAT cause **** those guys.
well i personally like spartans better. but i have nothing against elites. unless im getting my ass kicked by "****-headed dinosaurs" inn swat
I used to be an elite, as I have commando and I look amazingly cool all white with ascetic shoulders. Now though, I am usually a spartan. My ODST is badass and has only been made by one other person in all of HALO 3. Sometimes I switch back to my elite though. So I have to say spartan. Personally though, I believe that elites should have an equivalent armor to Recon (palace guard armor from Halo 2?).
I personally prefer spartans, because i love the armor selection for them, even tho i do think the elites have a few cool sets. But, the spartan model isn't as cheap as the elite in matchmaking, especially SWAT, so i think it takes a bit more skill to use a spartan than it does an elite. Its what i pretty much always use. (and will keep using, until maybe (if) i get elite asthetic armor; asthetic armor=pWNage!! lol)
I personally always play as an elite. (always have since halo 2) Its mostly preference, i like the armour choices, the fact that noone else really uses them, and simply put when i get the comments "lol, your a dinosaur, you must suck" and then i kick their asses across the room
I think they're pretty much equal. So I play as elite because I like to be the alien. Also because sometimes you just wanna be annoying idiot, since everyone on bungie.net hates them.
One of the main reasons that people hate elites, is the fact that no one is used to shooting them. So people who play as elites just because of that in the hardcore playlists shows that you need every little advantage to win. Also, when playing MLG, everyone is supposed to be a spartan with the default Mark VI armor (check any official video, as in one played on a LAN, not a custom game or matchmaking in xbl), thus making the playing field completely fair and even. the only elites that i saw that were actually any good were people who were really good with a BR. It makes me wonder why they are an elite even when they are already so good. So elites = not so good, or good poeple who want to gain the upper hand when its not even needed half of the time. Spartans = good players who want to keep things even, or terrible (since not everyone who is bad is an elite). This is just what i think, and i obviously prefer spartans.