FORGE A MACHINIMA MAP || PRESENTED BY HAPPYHOURFILMS || AURORAPRODUCTIONS Forge a Machinima Map Information Forge a Machinima Map is a contest devised by Venise himself, which will allow him to use the communities designs for machinima shorts that fallow the theme of the month. Obvisously, this month is going to be freestyle, meaning that you can submit anything, as long as it allows people such as me to record short films and such on it, meaning it can't be a competitive map, can't be a remake of some Halo CE/Halo 2/ Halo 2 PC map. It has to be using your own creativity, with the maps provided in Halo 3, including current and future map packs. Map Rating Scale and Requirements Maps will be rated by the judges on the fallowing scale: Creativity: (Again, map must be an original, meaning it can't be a remake of a current released forged map, any Halo CE/Halo 2/ Halo 2 PC map. It has to be on Halo 3 only maps, excluding Guardian, Snowbound, and Last Resort for this month.) Accesability: (Is your map easy to access for the actors? Is it easy to go into theater mode and get that perfect around the corner shot? Is it big enough to fit multiple actors, but small enough to not seem like Valhalla?) Attractive-ness: (Are the floors smooth? Did you interlock boxes/unmovable objects? Are objects placed neatly?) Layout Design: (Is the general layout of the map fit for a short film in all catagories, such as comedy, action, music videos, etc.) Current Map Judges Currently, me and FootballHero are the ones judging maps. If you wish to become a judge, please contact me ASAP over AIM (spblinding), MSN (, or email me at Final Voting and Prizes Final Voting will work just like any other contest hosted on sites such as HaloGrid, SnowGlobePro, Halo-Union, etc. We will narrow down the choices to the top ten, with a walkthrough video of no more then two min. The poll options will link to the videos, hosted on YouTube due to bandwidth restraints, in which then you will be able to click and view the video. After watching the video, you can then submit your vote. Anyone caught cheating, either by having their friends vote for them without looking at the other submissions, or by registering multiple accounts, will recieve a three day ban. Winner, right now, will have their map used in a short film with that maps layout, design, etc. in mind. As soon as I start pulling in money off of adsense, then I will start offering prizes such as XBL Gold Accounts, Microsoft Points, etc. SUBMIT YOUR MAPS BELOW. || YOU HAVE UNTIL APRIL 4TH. Click Here For More Information
Safari Created by mastersaya124 [br] Supported Gametypes: Safari [br] A wall runs through the middle, have fun sniping the zombies, truely a sport of kings, but wait, the zombies are breaking out...Oh God! Defend the base or jump to the sky it doesn't matter what you do, just live! [br] _________________________________________________ [br] ammo room [br] Humans building [br] The zombie habitat [br] The obstacles [br] A sniper [br] I got one! [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Please comment back [br] Download Safari Download Gametype [br]
It's a contest, in which you make a map suited for a short machinima, aka a movie made using a game, film. Gordofrog, your map from what I can see is fine. I'll download it when I get to my 360, which will be Monday.
Nope. :] Feel free to submit as many as you like. Do remember though, they have to be made after this thread was posted, not before.