OK first things first this is my my first map thing so plz tell me if something is wrong. this is a template with no weapons except the tripmine or vehicles OK how it works: the tripmine is thrown from its spawn point by the player causing lag which restarts all items, like if you destroyed a pallet items will respawn when there set time tells them to. in this case energy doors will respawn in 45 sec (if you use a turret the player respawns) . this can also be used by making an item not start at beginning therefor making a closible route/trap. if this dosnt make any sense to you send me a message over live and i'll gladly help.also there is no spawn ponts so you may have to kill yourself now for a walkthrough. turn around, may have to kill self due to no spawn points you will pick up a tripmine, lob it of the edge, lag will happen if it works object before mine is thrown item/s will disapear until they respawn, 45 seconds is the set time in this map Download map
Hmm sounds interesting, but I doubt it will work all the time. How does one trip mine cause enough lag for the item to disappear? Interesting...
So basically you're overloading the map? You can normally just set the enegry blocker to 45 secs for custome games. I don't see how this is a switch.
Hey this is pretty fun and interesting and even unique but it needs some spawn points so you dont have to your self
by throwing the tripmine threw some barrier lags the map making items disappear (theres the switch). and by making an item eg. 32-32 will not disappear so this can be used to make les complex doors seeing as it uses only 4 items (tripmine,2 teles and an item) and also you cant delete solid unmovable items such as the energy blocker ingame
Well the only problem is that all the items will disappear, not just the energy blocker. And even if you set the other objects on instant respawn, it will be gone for at least 1-2 secondes. It would be a cool idea, but it isn't effecient. Time-wise.
yes...weapons will take longer but item respawn instantly(o.5 sec) i play predator with this map and works quite well seeing as there is no weapons on it
10/10 cool switch thing. i get how it lags but is there a switch to make everything spawn back on demand??? is that what u were saying about the pallet. this is cool btw. does it work on any map?
I see what u did there solo, trying to implement this into your map. I couldn't really say that this is a switch cause basically ur just overloading the map. Btw who said something about putting spawns face-palm. Heyo solo, tell Kyle I said hi rofl
yes it is i cauld show you how but not today and cold storage is the only map i can get it to work on
very odd iv never seen any thing like that it seems instesting thanks for the map looks very cool i like that the person gets trap if they go in their 4/5 thanks for a okay map
This isn't actually a switch. This is called lagging/overloading the map, and I recommend everyone using such an idea. This will result in lag, for that is the basis of how this "switch" works.
that was my discovery i found it the day Cold Storage came out called it the lag mine and the reason it creates lag is because it spins so fast as it falls. Guarentted lag EVERY TIME. Was in my failed map Cold Sore which is now gone.
it doesnt spin so fast it doesnt even spin for me, i also found this myself on the day its came out but i didnt post anything becuase it was so easy to find/do
my disk is scrached or somthing so i can not get forge to work for map packs so i needed to download a modded custem game