
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by V1D30 GUY, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. V1D30 GUY

    V1D30 GUY Ancient
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    This is the newest and final updated version of the former map, Deep Impact, that I posted with the Militia Map Pack. The map has been totally revised and is now called 1MP4CT. Please download and try it out. You can message me for any questions or tips about it. You can see some pictures below. This map works currently with Capture the Flag and any Slayer based variants. This is for 4-10 players. Enjoy. More maps coming soon...

    Defender's Side
    Attacker's Side
    Full View of Bases
    ...Download Link...
  2. The EAKLE

    The EAKLE Ancient
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    makes me miss boarding action. this map looks good, but i cant tell from the pics just how big it is. how many players do you recommend?
  3. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    This looks really sweetly forged, my only problem is that there are wayyyy too many power weapons and turrets.

    EDIT: It's also escapable, just from viewing the pictures.
  4. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Man this is huge and look really kool,but you should have more pics,so that we thgat we could see the mp a lot better,just trying to help,good map though
  5. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    This looks pretty well thought out, kinda messy, but its still good

    I think that there is too many power weapons and turrets, escapable too

    Good though, ill look forward to a V2 if you make one :)

  6. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    i think the power weapons and the turrets are kind of good for this map, it looks cool.
    i cant see much interlocking, but i give this map about a 4/5
  7. Bleet Tameheart

    Bleet Tameheart Ancient
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    Well, I took a nice long forgethrough around the map...

    This map has a lot of potential - an absurd amount of potential here; much more so then I've seen recently. If you could pull this off effectively, there is without a doubt in my mind that this would be featured. A good boarding-action clone has been missing from the forge map repertoire.

    Sadly though, in it's current state, I can't even recommend it to anyone. There are an excessive amount of bumps, which makes it very difficult for playability. It could be fixed with some significant interlocking.

    The map layout is what absolutely kills this map. The design is clunky at best, and outright disorientating and confusing at worst, with little indication on what leads where. Also, there is way too much segregation within each ship. I would rather see long hallways to each side of the ship, and lifts and holes going from story to story, rather then teleporters aplenty to lead to different stories and other places.

    You want people to see something, and they'll know how to get there, with minimal thought. Take a look at some of the Bungie maps for inspiration, like Guardian. If you want/need to get somewhere, you can have a pretty good guess on how to get there, just by looking. Say, for instance, you're in green (they forest-y kind of area) of Guardian, and you want to make it to top center. You can see the lift on one side, which brings you to gold, and you can jump down onto top center from there, or take the elbow ramp up the other through sniper tower and walk onto top center from there. All this could be done just by simply looking around at the map.

    In Imp4ct's current state, it's next to impossible to do that, so you're guessing what goes where and just hoping for the best, instead of instinictively knowing through common sense.

    This map, as others have said earlier, is easily escapable. I was able to break it not even one minute in from the forgethrough by jumping on the human turret, then jumping onto the box at an angle, then a quick hop to the top of the map. From there, you could jump back onto Avalanche, and leave 1MP4CT behind.

    ... It's pretty much to the point that I would suggest that it's almost better to take what you have learned from this, redesign it, and start anew, rather then try to fix this. It's just fundamentally broken in its current state, and chances are that if you did redesign it, it would play out much better.

    The one thing though that I do want to point out is that despite what looks like too many power weapons, in this kind of environment, it works, although I'd recommend removing a turret and dispersing them to different sides of the ship.

    I apologize if I seem like I'm saying these things because I have a vendetta, or anger, or anything like that. I can see the potential here, and I see the possibility of a really amazing map, the kind that would stay on people's hard drives because it fills a usually empty niche. This map can be so much more, leagues ahead of the crowd, but in its current state, it's broken.
    #7 Bleet Tameheart, Jan 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2009

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