My first post! Corridors Created by Nurlo Played With: Snipe Flag Map Description “Corridors” is a very small CTF map consisting of 3 hallways and 2 bases. It’s best played 2v2 or 3v3. That’s really it. Gametype Description - Everyone spawns with a Sniper Rifle - Flag takes 2 hits to beat down - 5 Captures to win - Flag at home to score - Return time 3 seconds - Reset time 10 seconds Weapon List 2x Beam Rifle - 180s 2x Plasma Nade - 60s 2x Deployable Cover - 150s 1x Bubble Shield – 120s Pictures _________________________________________________ Middle Hall / Plasma Nade + Beam Rifle Spawn (Both sides) Outer Hall Scenic Hall Red Base Blue Base Bubble Shield Spawn Deployable Cover Spawn (Same on other side) Human vs. Covenant Battle Outside _________________________________________________ Downloads Download Corridors HERE Download Snipe Flag HERE
So basically this map is a just a series of long hallways, or corridors with sniper rifles placed at the end of them? I think that would ruin the gameplay a little bit. Couldn't you just have placed AR's or SMG's. It would be kinda unfair for the flag carrier if he is being sniped down by someone in a hallway with no cover protection...
I wanted the map to be more focused on teamwork than rushing so I left the "spray and pray" weapons like the AR and SMG out. Also, there are deployable covers and a bubble shield to use to your advantage cover-wise.
eh.. It seems like you did pretty well on the forging, but maybe you could have put like.. shield doors sticking partially out of the sides of the hallways, with fence walls in them, to make for a Small bit of cover. Have you got much playtesting done on this map?
Yes, I have playtested this map extensively, and I actually ended up increasing the Deployable Cover and Bubble Shield spawn times, as I felt they interrupted the flow of gameplay too much. The reason there is little cover on this map is because it's not a far walk from one base to the other, so I wanted the teams to have as much a chance as possible to kill the flag carrier.
this looks okay for a map its just alot of hall ways for people to run in you need to add more weapons then just snipers and stickys 3/5 i might down load thnks for a oky map qustion can u get to the vechiles ??
Forgers expect people to use teamwork, but really, people just like doing things on their own. People aren't always reliable enough to help you, the only thing people are worried about is getting points instead of cooperating...
good idea but you need to have a little bit of cover in the hallways becuz it makes it almost impossible to carry a flag
True dat. This is a very open map, but if you use teamwork, it's good. The only problems I had was that I could watch too many lines of sight at one time with a sniper, if it was a little more jaggedy in certain areas (as to block off lines of sight so I couldn't see all the way down so many halls at once), that might help.
Aaa, yes excellent point. I didn't notice the strafing. One can literally camp the hallways with the sniper rifle...
I like it I like the idea for this map alot, I would also add maybe something for a little bit more covers in the hallways but theirs tons of bubble shields and stuff so that makes up for it. Capture the Flag on this is insane, it really does use alot of team work to capture a flag. You dont need more weapons or anything for this map obviously he made it for only snipers and it works the best with them, it would just a regular map if it had smgs and other weapons. There is also a nice merging job on everything to so overall I like the map I'm gonna continue to play it. 4.5/5