Ordinance v1.8

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by TheRagingBeast, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    Forged by BFP Sticky v3 and TheRagingBeast

    Ordinance is a original Full-Foundry MLG-based map that was forged over 52 hours, but was started a long time ago by Sticky. I designed about 50% and forged 50%, but more credit goes to Sticky for starting the map back in September.
    We recommend CTF, using Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details, but the map plays MLG Team slayer and MLG Bomb. CTF is it's strongest gametype and has the best spawns though, and we are still tweaking gameplay and spawns so any feedback is appreciated.

    The weapons used were
    Rockets on 150 sec drop-spawn, no ammo
    2 Snipers on 150 sec drop-spawn, 1 clip
    2 Carbines
    9 BR's
    1 pair of plasmas
    2 pairs of frags
    2 Flame grenades 120 sec spawn

    We realize that flame grenades are not classified as MLG but any weapon you can get to work, will work. After various testing we feel that flame grenades are a good power weapon if used right and we wanted to do something new also.


    We will appreciate feedback and credit to BFP, Seth, BC, and everyone else.

    Ordinance v1.8-Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Sticky is a Jewbacca
    #1 TheRagingBeast, Jan 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2009
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This thread is not up to FH standards. You need to embed screenshots in your map thread. To do this you take pictures of your map on threatre then take the pictures from bungie.net and save them to your computer. After that sign up on photobucket.com and upload your pictures by pasting the direct link in tags.

    [img ] insert url here [/img ] without the spaces
  3. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you have 7 of the same picture, and the rest have been deleted from photobucket..
    here's how you DL them better.. though from the one [seven] picture you have, it looks like a great map, just make your post better :)
  4. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry fixing nao
  5. xOWNAGE27x

    xOWNAGE27x Ancient
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    Wow, this is feature worthy,great design,extremely smooth,great interlockz,5/5.THis sortof reminds me of radius, the center structure with the flame nades,i dl.
  6. Sephire124

    Sephire124 Ancient
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    WOW! I love the center of this its absolutely amazing. The forging is super smooth. The geomerging is amazing. I wish I could geomerge period lol. Keep up the good work ill definitely dl it.
  7. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    This is a pretty good MLG map you've got here! The interlocking and geomerging seem pretty clean. I see if I have enough space to download. Good job 5/5
  8. Toofgib

    Toofgib Ancient
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    The layout for this map if awesome I like how you incorporated the back of the map too, because you dont see much of that in MLG maps. Like everybody else said all the merging and everything is super smooth. My favorite parts of the map are the sniper perches, and the middle is really impressive. I would add something on both sides in the back of the map, nothing big just something you can get some cover from because everytime I went back there i was getting shot up until I went inside the base, maybe a barrier short or a crate would do. For the weapon placement I think that you did a superb job on that the snipers work nicely and I love the fire grenades, surprisingly they work really well in this map. The one thing I would change though is with the rockets, I would pull it out from against the wall and put them in the middle of the fence its laying on, because when I first played this map, I completely didnt see the rockets in there. Also I would switch up some of the grenade placements, I would put grenades inside the single box open underneath the snipers and replace the plasma grenades directly underneath the rocket with another weapon such as a needler.

  9. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    Thanks, new version coming out soon.
  10. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    one thing on this map i would straighten out the fence walls on the bridge in the fourth pic they look alittle to much to one side.. other than that this map is just awesome lookin ,great layout 5/5 the merging is flawless
  11. Sgtkillstuff

    Sgtkillstuff Ancient
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    Umm not accusing you of anything but your center structure is almost exactly like radius
  12. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Im pretty sure they werent trying to copy radius. And even if they wanted a middle similar to radius is that really a problem? if it works well for gameplay then why not have it? Also do you not see the height variations between the two or what?

    I had a great job testing with you guys except fot that one time where our flag spawned at your feet XD

    Good job guys, this map plays great! 5/5
  13. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    Thanks dude, and the guy who said it looks like Radius we actually had Legacy in mind but we had permission to do something similar, plus it was more about gameplay.

    Hector go bump the mlg forums thread =p
  14. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    hey man very nice map and very good screenshots and description,keep up the good work
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    I applaud you for breaking out of the MLG box with the use of the flame grenade. Also, great job on using the whole of Foundry.. something that's rarely seen in MLG maps, but should be much more frequent. I'm looking forward to your next work!
  16. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    The only thing I disliked about the map was there weren't THAT many ramps to go up to the higher level. It feels like you would be forced to go "the long way" every time. Great forging and everything. i haven't tested gameplay but I looked around. I liked it.

    Aesthetics : 4/5
    Design: 3/5 More ramps. Also there wasn't enough cover especially in the back area. But a lot of MLG maps are open like that. No big deal.
    Neatness: 5/5 awesome forging.
    Gameplay: N/A. Haven't played a real game on it yet.
    Weapon Placement: I felt that it needed more plasmas.
  17. S0 Salty

    S0 Salty Ancient
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    I think you guys should have took a little bit more time on this map, it seems like you rushed to finish it, it's kinda sloppy, and need more work.
  18. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    Salty can you elaborate on what you mean? And dude above Bboyleon, play the map trust me you'll think different.
  19. BFP_StiCky

    BFP_StiCky Ancient
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    Version 2.1 Changes

    Frag grenades moved to the bottom of both sniper towers.

    Single box open added for cover in the back wing of Foundry.

    Mauler added on top mid. 120sec respawn, 1 spare clip.

    Shield doors removed on top mid and replaced by fence boxes.

    Download Here: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
  20. S0 Salty

    S0 Salty Ancient
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    I think it would be easier for me to describe what I'm talking about, if we were in a custom room looking at your map. If you want to, add me! My tag is SO Salty. I hope I didn't offend you, I haven't played on your map yet, so I don't know how it plays. I'm saying it's a bad map, I just flew around in forge and checked it out.

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