Hello, I play a lot of SWAT. I recently have started to practice a lot in custom games before entering into matches. Although practicing on the maps circulating in Matchmaking would have its benefits, to become an overall better player at the SWAT Slayer game type, I created a map on Forge to help make that possible. In this map, you are able to practice difficult jumps (both longitudinal and latitudinal), grenade throwing off various surfaces, close and distant combat scenarios, and how to strategically position yourself to be aware of all possible spawn locations (and then subsequently take any desired action). Please try it out and please let me know what can be added or taken away from it to make it a better SWAT practice field. Here is the map: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details EDIT: Photos of the map are available here at larger sizes: http://www.flickr.com/photos/shb8879/sets/72157612794168047/ Here are some of the photos available: There is plenty of more memory for others to expand on this map. The backs were deliberately left open for two reasons: In test runs, some players chose to camp on those sides and pick off opponents. This required players within the actual playable regions to be aware of two more areas of danger. Nonetheless, those areas can be built upon to further enhance map playing experience for those choosing to camp there. Secondly, both rear regions were left empty so that sufficient memory would remain for those opting to further build upon a map.
Unlike the infidel above me, I actually DL'ed the map and am looking at it now. At first I just thought it was a pile of junk smattered everywhere, but then I started seeing the skill it must have taken to do this. I see how you've balanced open space and lines of sight, making it extremely important to stay in cover, and how you've strategically put fusion coils in the middle, making people want to move around more. The towers also look pretty unique. Although I didn't notice any interlocking on this map I don't really think it was necessary. The only thing about this map I don't like is that you have nothing in the back rooms, and you could have easily blocked them off, having 300 dollars left and 24 double boxes... or you could have at least incorporated them into your design.
im a big fan of swat but i wont D/l till i see some pics or some kinda of image discribing the map thats tho for ffering a map rofl
I just DL'd it and it was great for SWAT practice! though very simple in design and not interlocked, it was very smooth and quite efficient. perhaps you should close the sides of the map though so its just the main training course that people end up training on. 4.5/5!!!! lol
I know im new to forgehub and I know I have never posted a map, but seriously, this isn't up to Forgehubs standards. I the new people who come here only come here to post a link to there map and ask people to download it. Its like they are not trying to be part of the community, Its like they're just trying to find another medium for their download count...
How can I become an efficient member of the community without ever contributing a first time? Of course I came here to ask members to download it... Please don't judge me when you are unaware of my intentions. To make things much smoother, please list the ForgeHub "standards" in question... I've found the rules (http://www.forgehub.com/forum/announcements/30-read-before-posting.html), but my map posting does not violate any of them. Interlocking exists in Forge. But my map doesn't need it. If that's what you're referring to, it's an invalid critique of any map.
Thanks to all who have commented and shared their views. Surely, only a better version of this map can follow.
I like your map a lot, although any map would be better with interlocking. It see that you've taken your time and thought out very well as to where and how people will play this to make this a better map but the only thing that it's missing in my opinion is "Landmarks" or any sort of objects that would help pinpoint enemy location. This can cause a team to dominate the match with people in the upper levels distracting while people bellow kill. (even if there are spawns up there) This is a great map overall and the layout is very very interesting. I am DL and 4/5. EDIT: I also think you should add some sort of separation and split the map up into more varying locations. What i mean by this is create bases and sort to provide a little more cover because the map in my opinion is a little too open it seems like from the moment you spawn you can get killed within a few seconds. Hope you can use these tips to improve your map.By the way shouldn't this go into the competitive section?
I was talking about the post, not your map. If you are going to post a map, you are required to have at least 1 or 3 pictures, I think, along with your post. Before you just a had a link to your map, but forget it now. My Advice, if you're going to post another map, just be sure to include pictures. Good luck, and happy Forging...
SICK >>> I like it its cool i wanna get (i think it would be better if you had more cover where the closed gate-door things, but that's just me...) pretty cool tho.
the way this map is set up some one could just go to the side and pwn you need cover for the front and sides of a swat map other then that is good 3.8/5
This is map actually deserves a 5/5, because it completely serves its purpose, in that, it helps train you for SWAT in the bungie playlists. This is especially helpful because it is designed and forged like the map(s) on the playlist (I've only played SWAT once after the matchmaking update, so I don't know how many foundry maps the playlist uses, but from the one I did play, this map looks like it was made by the same forger of the other map). There is one golden rule in all Halo maps: Gameplay > Aesthetics Any REAL Halo 3 player could agree with that statement.
I agree with you master. Lol oh and when you said strategically set yourself up for attacks I rofled-camping. Anyway someone had this and I played it, then I played swat and it helped more than I thought it would. I couldn't just pick people off, there wasn't just a really long los that I could camp by. Like master said, it really deserves more than what people are giving it. If you actually made a competitive map with your knowledge, and some help with aesthetics I bet it would get close to a feature