The track itself is very smooth and very, very fast. There is my personal "orbitational" method of building which is the part where the track does a horse shoe with wall corners. I have now perfected this method but anyways were talking about The Orbiter now. This track was made back in August so it is one of my first tracks. Im trying to keep my descriptions short so enjoy. Download The Orbiter : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Download The Orbiter : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
the last pic looks cool. i dont play much race maps, not do i know much about them but it looks nice. the 3rd pic's turn could use a raining so u wont fall off. other than that its good. 4/5 its nothing original tho.
"Im trying to keep my descriptions short so enjoy." You do not have to keep your description short at all. Infact having a good, well-thought out description is very good. Anyway the map is pretty good, I dont really like the window panels for a barrier, but that's just my opinion. the map looks great. 4/5
It's pretty good. Great interlocking, but like Mr. Saget over there said, the window panels are a bit odd. I'm also not sure if the track is wide enough to fit 7 mongeese (mongeese or mongooses?) on it. Consider lowering it to 4 or 5. Other than that I like it. 4/5.
I have way better tracks that im going to be posting. And thanks for the advice i wont use windows anymore. Im going to post my gokart track tonight hold on I will start now. lol thanks guys
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This map is totally off the deep end, the turns and stuff make me feel like im high while driving in the sky, idk what that is supposed to mean but this map is aite, illl give it like a 4/5 just cause that one shield door pisses the hell out of me and that one u -turn slows u down lol besides that this track should be widespread
This image has been deleted -- seeing that a lot. Photobucket cuts you off if you get too many views. Try using Tinypic, they won't limit you, even though you don't get everything databased like "albums."
This is a sick ass map! omg i love the giant turns and such, ists really nice and insane! i really want to try this out some time, 4/5 for me though
This map is OK. The pics don't work for me it says they have been deleted from photobucket. The forging is good but it doesn't flow very well from each bank to the next. Also I like maps to be double wide the whole time so it is not as easy to fall off if you are racing other people. 3/5 for me
It's pretty good i mean i wasn't gonna D/L cause your pictures aren't working but i did anyway. It's pretty smooth. I like the turns and twists. I like it. 4.5/5