I love this one, the colors are awesome and I think it's pretty cool how the spartan looks transparent. Also, I like how the entire spartan is bright blue and only his visor is gold, adds a nice touch, amazing job 5/5!
Wow it actually looks like if I were to like hit that picture with a hammer it would break into a bunch of pieces, thats how realistic it looks. it looks really good, I am very curious on how people are able to take these kinds of pictures. They are very amazing. Nice job
i dont want to be mean, but this looks like the exact same pic as green ice. is one photoshopped, or what? ...still a very nice shot, btw. love the light blue hue.
It does look like it might be photoshoped lol. Its really great, it just doesn't look like somthing from halo
No I didnt photo I didnt photoShop it. If you want I can tell you how to do the picture, and also this pic was on Ghost Town...
That's a pretty nice shot, I like the color and the pose of the spartan. It looks cool and epic. Great job.