How to download from View a video on YouTube. In the URL location box, type pwn in front of youtube, and enter. Get links to download the video! Example: .source
I'm assuming so, test it. It gives you a low quality and high quality download link. So that is probably a yes =]
That's really cool. Of course I know there a lots of other ways in which to do this (e.g. file convertors) but this is so much simpeler, Props to you Reyn =D
This is quick, painless, and easy. Stuff like this makes me happy. Good find. Now I can go download all the Terry Tate videos I want.
I personally use either this: YouTube File Downloader : Download as MP4/FLV for PC / iPod / PSP. It's free! Or this: KeepVid: Download and save any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, iFilm and more! The first one may not work, but the second one for sure does. Just copy and paste the URL there and bam. You can even chose what type of vid to download it as. (On the first one)
Who discovered this? "What happens if I type 'pwn' in front of YouTube in the URL bar?" JK, good find though. It's a shame about YouTube's lack of porn
LOL, I looked down at your sig, clicked on it, read one article, and then realized why you said that. This is amazingly easy, thanks Reyn.
Joke? Anyway, I DLed a vid, but because I have Vista, Windows Media Player won't play it. Does anyone know of any software (preferably free and legal software) that'll play the vids?