Re: Global Warming: The Truth We also have to take into account that this isn't the first time or place this has happened. Most of the charts you see promoting global warming seem to start shortly after the previous "global warming"... I think it's just that now we have the tools to read these statistics on a daily basis and now that we know, people are freaking out. When it had to be looked at over a long time, we didn't notice. Look at the charts I posted earlier, I don't remember anything about Europe freaking out over "global warming" back durring it's warm period...
Re: Global Warming: The Truth Last year they had to cancel a meeting about Global Warming because there was so much snow. I don't believe in globabl warming, I believe in Santa Clause.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth Back on topic of us getting sucked into the sun... I was taught that inertia is when and object is free until acted upon an outside. The earth is a flying deathball hurdling through space, but the sun is the outside force. It keeps us in it's gravitational field. So the compromise (metaphorically speaking) is to have us going in a circle around it. But the Earth will eventually slow down enough for the effect of gravity to be greater than how fast we are moving, thus us getting closer to the sun. I wasn't aware of the Big Bang Theory thing Nitrous said, how we are moving out and in at the same time...
Re: Global Warming: The Truth This year Britain has burned less fossil fuels than last year, simply because global warming has made our winters a little warmer, meaning we need to burn less fuels for our homes and businesses. So in a way, global warming is cancelling itself out.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth Half of me wants to say nothing, and let you use this as your argument. But the other half knows that it would be wrong. Put simply that movie was political, and if i was anyone intellegent I would know that Al Gore was not the person to get my facts from (not to mention even with all the pretty graphs he has no proof, not even really any substantial evidence).
Re: Global Warming: The Truth whether or not you believe that global warming is happening, there needs to be a change in the attitude towards the enviroment. And I think that global warming is very real, because the north pole isn't melting for no reason. Refardless of your opinion on global warming, people should treat the enviroment with great care so global warming doesn't worsen, or just to prevent it from happening if you don't believe its happening already.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth I don't think Global Warming is real (at least, not as the media portrays it) but I still don't plan on making a point of destroying the atmosphere. Just because it's not an immediate threat, doesn't mean we should ignore the fact that we could be damaging the atmosphere.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth Global warming IS real. Its weather its affecting us that were talkin about.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth Although it is happening... Its just so the government can get more tax from carbon footprint
Re: Global Warming: The Truth So we shouldn't care about it at all. We should just let the people who it does have affect deal with it? No, we should care about it so if it is truly happening we can help prevent (don't think thats possible though) or at least slow it down.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth No becuase Global Warming is not a fact ( the way the media portrays it). The north pole is melting becuase of a cycle that the earth goes through, there is no proof against it. y that reasoning making changes ti what we are doing would most likelly be detrimental to the world.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth I don't care whether global warming is real or not, but I know that not polluting in the ways we are could not be more harmful than continuing the burning of fossil fuels.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth Actually.....Global warming may produce more rainfall, and be beneficial to the environment.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth Even though the change in temperature will kill off species of animals and plants. The extra heat will be evaporating water in the ground. And will increase the population of heat prone animals, such as insects, which carry disease, and will spread it.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth The only reason I support Mr. Gore is because with more hybrids and alternate fuels there will be less pollution. I don't care about his global warming rant.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth Actually Driving a hybrid is worse for the economy then driving a car...a lot worse. The batteries for the car have to be mined (the nickel), the transported to China, than to a few other countries then to the U.S (or other consumers) in the end if your not looking to save money, just help the environment, you'd be better off driving a hummer
Re: Global Warming: The Truth first things thirst- what products has our governments tried to make us buy in the past by saying that if we dont somit bads gonna happen? Second, what career have u taken/ where u find out this information. 3rd, even if it is or isnt caused by man- we need to do somthing about it now b4 we have billions of homeless people from LEDC's who cant afford to protect themselves trying to find shelter in MEDC's whilst they got problems from extreme weather conditions