I apolgize if this is in the wrong thread. Well I was just on the Halo 3 forum on Bungie and ran into a little discussion over the noob tube. I have been calling the rocket launcher the "noob tube" since halo 2. It was so easy to use, gave you instant kills, and locked on to vehicles. People are claiming that the term "noob tube" refers to the grenade attachment to your weapon in COD4 and say that it was a term invented by COD4 players. What do you guys think? Ive always given nicknames to weapons. For example, I call the sword the noob stick and the spartan laser the ghostbuster
Taken from Urban dictionary. As you can see from the third one, its been around much longer than halo 2 has. Maybe it came from Halo:CE, or something else. It was definitely not invented for CoD4, no matter what they think.
Silly slang. I call the rocket launcher the 'boom gun', and the sword the 'slash thingy', and the hammer the 'ban hammer', and so on and so forth. I'm just so inventive.
The term was developed in Halo 2, because of people that whored the rockets in order to get easy kills. The term was not coined on COD4, it was just a term that related well. Evidence for the fact that 'noob tube' developed from Halo 2, can be seen in the phrase 'noob combo' or a battle rifle and a plasma pistol. There is no 'noob combo' in COD4 so, obviously 'noob tube' came from Halo 2. On a side note GoW has the best 'noob tube' liners of any videogame. Boomshot - "Of course, noob tubed" Chainsaw - "Awww, I jost got gaysawed!" Shotgun - "Damn it, I was shot****!" Pistol - "I just got dickwhipped!" Hammer of Dawn - "Hammer of Fags!" Grenade - "I was just fagtagged!"
I'm not sure I agree with that. I'm not sure what game started the "noob tube" phrase but it was developed before Halo 2. In Halo PC, released a year earlier than Halo 2, the rocket launcher was widely known as the noob tube. I'm not saying that Halo PC started it but it developed it before Halo 2 was around. I see where you are trying to go with that, but that completely lacks logic. Just because they made the noob combo doesn't mean that noob tube was also made then. With your logic, I could have had a game at the same time as Halo 2, had (just as an example) a "noob rifle". Say this game has the rocket launcher refered to as the "noob tube". Since Halo 2 doesn't have a "noob rifle", then this game most have developed noob tube. Thats using your logic. Just because Halo 2 coined "Noob Combo" doesn't mean all other "Noob *insert weapon/thing here* were neccasarily developed in Halo 2. And no, CoD 4 definatly did not invent or in any means start "Noob Tube". They do use it as a term for the grenade launcher attachment, but thats as far as it goes.
personally, id rather call them by their actualy names, and if call of duty came out b4 halo, then it might have come from cod
I first heard of the noob tube was in BF2 refering to the grenade launcher on the guns in the assault class, but I've heard it used for any thing that shoots a rocket or grenade and is extremely effective. IMHO the rocket launcher is not a noob tube in Halo 3 because it doesn't lock on and doesn't have near the amount of splash damage as in Halo 2. The rocket launcher is only good for 1-3 kills at the beginning of games on Narrows or The Pit.
It all depends on the player. Personally when it comes to COD4 I called the RPGs nob tubes. But I've never called the rocket lawn chair a noob tube. As far as any grenades go, that goes with the word grenarded (you know like retarded).
My weapon slang: Shotgun: Shotty Grenade Launcher: NoobTube1 Rocket Launcher: NoobTube2 Machine Gun: SuperDuperGayGunOfInstantDeath
I think it's harder to use. In Halo 1 I was insane with it but then in Halo 2 & 3 I can never get a kill with it.
I always rape with the rocks. Rocket's- Rocks Sword - Sword Shotgun - Shotty Battle Rifle - BR Plasma Pistol - PP Plasma Rifle - PR Plasma Grenades - Stickies The n00b tube should probably be the Anti Infantry Rifle Mounted Rockets in BF2142 They have not been nerfed
I hate it when I try to kill people with jagernoob (juggernaut) and then they use the noob tube on be, but when I finally kill them I get killed by their nooberdom (martyrdom).
I'm fairly certain that the term "noob tube" originated from the grenade launcher attachment in CoD2. At least, that's what I've heard.
the rifle rocket in BF2142 is not a noob tube, you have to be good with it to get kills with it, which goes against the definition of noob tube.