Siberian Bunker Created by Xicemike, Edgerx and Groundkiller Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer One Bomb One Flag One V.I.P. Infection Map Description This is a Siberian Bunker, the Defenders have Weapons such as U.N.S.C. Weapons and Equipment. The Attackers have a Wraith and Covernant Weapons and Equipment. They also have a small sniper house and armory. This makes an awesome Infection map too Flag Spawns on the Broken Down Roof from Wraith Fire (that why is broken and messed up is not bad forging) and you plant the bomb there too There's lots of cover too. This map has floating items such as the roof of the Sniper house. So have fun! _________________________________________________ Attacker's Side Defender's Side Overview Defender's Armory Living Area Defender's Storage The Roof _________________________________________________ Download>>>>>>>>>>>>>Siberian Bunker
ok umm first of all the attackers base seems a little close and the snipers on the defenders base plus the openness of the map is probably a bad idea. second of all armories are a big no-no.and third why would you make people spawn in an open spot with no cover? 2/5 im sorry but this fails
Ya there isn't much on this map butt add a little more and you will have good map!!! 4/5 its okay butt add more.
This map doesn't look all that good sorry. No forge techniques involved, plain buildings, open area. On top of that, whatever image hoster you are using is posting advertisements on your pics. Sorry, 1/5.
This map is badly forged, There is hardly any interlocking and the map is Too open, and the unused parts of the map are'nt even Blocked off. :\ 2.25/5
i agree with this guy. maybe not 1/5 but the whole thing needs much more. and maybe 3 more large structures. and definitely two turrets next to each other is just idiotic.
no, his judging is soft im sorry, but LEARN TO FORGE, there is a forging 101 section on the forums, ise it. plus it is WAY to open, moar cover is needed, , and the small base has NO chance 0.00000001/10
The reviews may seem harsh, but keep in mind that the map idea of "bases in foundry" has been done before. Many times, its the first thing people make in forge; two bases in foundry, with a room full of weapons. Now, it CAN be fun, but its not unique or interesting at this point. If you really do want to follow through with your idea, look at what people have already made, and if you think you can build upon, improve on, or come up with a new idea, build it. If you decide instead to make a rather unoriginal looking map, expect to receive criticism when you post it here.
Sorry if im harsh but this map is really kind of basic,really open and like only to main bases,Mybe put some structures our somthing to give it a feel you know?