Okay so I'm trying to get forgehub to start some sort of a soccer tournament, with teams of three, it's actually quite fun. PM me for further questions but lets have your vote.
I would want it possibly. It would have to be a honor rule free soccer game with and actual soccer ball preferably. I'm sure theres a map like this by now but I'm to lazy to find it.
Yes it is honor rule KIND of there is in fact a referee, and I have made a field which I will post tonight
You need a really complicated scoring system then... I also found another thread or yours like this one in Genreal Chat...
scoring is simple its honor rule. you knock the ball in the net ref keeps score, after each score he picks up the ball and drops it to the center.
To have a tourny it would probably have to be honor-rule free. I mean come on even bungie can make a honor-rule soccer map(no offense to bungie). I was thinking about this and I came up with a possibly good idea for a scoring system There would be a switch with fusion coils The X's are the fence walls to make the goal. The Light Blue arrow is grav lifts/man cannons to push the ball once in the goal. The Blue line is a shield door or grav lift to push the ball up. Then it pushes the fusion coil to make it fall and blow up. Then some other fusion coil spawns and lets one team get to a bomb plant point. The gray is a wall because it would have to be enclosed. The green is teles because we don't want any cheating. As i finished posting this I see a problem. You can't make a specific fusion coil spawn for a switch.
I actually have a proof-of-concept map using a mechinism like that, it's kind of hard to explain, look at the mini-game maps section of the forums over the next few days, I should have it posted.
I hate grifball. Its stupid. and pointless. I played the double EXP weekend thing and it was stupid. this one game in round 2 after the other team had scored once. They got the bomb then took it back to their side so that we couldn't get because they respawn every 3 secs right there they would kill us about half way to 3/4's of the way across the field then we would go all the way back to our side since they had a shorter distance to go they were always read for us they. I also hate any game where there is no skill besides not killing your teammates which apparently my team lacked most of the time. Spawn killing is way to easy, I like getting a killtac as much as the next guy but if your getting spawn killed it sucks Also that there's less forge skill involved than most maps here but because it's from RvB(which is awesome no denying that) it gets lots more attention Personally I would prefer a game of the Swings, Barrel Blaster, or In The Shadows I just don't like it don't try to prove me wrong your not going to change my mind And don't yell at me or anything I don't care that you like it If you like it that much you can go stalk Burnie[/rant] @Koala I'll look at it tomorrow I'm getting off the Comp for the night