NADES on MY FACE Just a quick version of this game i made gonna make it better when i get around to it this is a v1 25% zombies dude spawn in a "window panel room" pretty much play guesss the hole The holes DEAD PEople lookout cage plasma zombies respawn dead people box teleporter to lookout box uht to the oh i lay dead Oh god im screwed Nades 10 second row picker at beginning zombies dont turn around until 10 seconds v2 will be less rules \ EDITING >>>...Done editin
maybe you could conserve walls by using the sides of DBoxes as outer walls and also use fence walls to make the playing field bigger. You should have just the outer walls spawn first, then after 20 seconds, the horozontal walls, and 45, the vertical walls. this will give players a much better chance to choose which one they want. [if you do this, you need to make zombies spawn in a seperate box and be released after 45 seconds. I believe this has great potential. 5/5 for the idea, 7/10 for the execution [total forging] if and when you come out with a V2 send me a link
Looks good, nice interlocking. I like the idea. It somehow reminds me of battleship. I'm not good with stickies, but I'll try it out. Good Job. 7/10
i like the idea alot but in some places it looks sloppy is their a way for the humans to get out or kill the zombies or does the last man get some speial abillite just asking i hope v2 is just as good and hopeful beter
In order to make it so that the zombies don't cheat and look at where the humans are hiding, just make a teleporter that gets opened after 10 seconds. Simple. Otherwise, it looks like it could be fun for the zombies, but it seems too easy.
this has some nice forging on it but would you like to explane the objective and the game type?? i was gonna dl but im not sure what to do. :]
this map obviously isnt meant for forge skills, so there really isnt any comment to be said on that, but for game play, this really sounds like alot of fun, and games like these and people that make these kind of games are who and what i love, good job. 4.5/5. this i will download! and im the first to download! WOOT!
I like the whole concept of the map. Is it possible for the humans to escape? Cause I mean, what if a nade misses them, and they use that to their advantage? Such as grenade jumping? 4/5 for now, until I can get back on my xbox.
dude,this is just awesome,this is one of the funnest maps I have ever played with my friends,its just so fun throwin grenades straight up and killing someone,lol,and you also did a really good job by not letting any cracks get between the walls.
new version of this map posted 4X4 batteship game
Good job, but do the humans have minimum jumping? And does minimum jumping keep the missing grenades from helping the humans nade jump out? I know a lot of people will disagree, but it was a good idea to make the zombies turn around for grenades cause then there is not an infinite barrage of grenades ending the round immediatly. This is very unique and I like it. Good job.
This game actually looks quite interesting. However I think you need some other aspect to the game just spamming grenades across foundry and hoping that they land in a box where the players are. I think it would be rather boring to be a person in one of the squares. Perhaps to make it more interesting you could let the people in the boxes run around a little and then have the walls spawn after, oh, say 30 sec? Or find a way to make the grenade thrower see the people for a few seconds, then have the zombie not see them somehow and during the time that he cannot see, the players can run around and the walls could spawn. Then the game would be kinda like memory of predicting where people would hide. I'm just throwing out suggestions.
This is a great idea but there needs to be something for the humans to do... maybe allow them to switch boxes while getting grenades thrown at them. for now 3.5/5
great isea on the map,and also great interlocking but i think its a little hard too understand from the pics, but otherwise great map and original idea