In the intense world of halo, its sometimes hard to tell which tactics take skill and which are cheap and unfair. Some of the more debatable tactics are listed here: -Camping. -Janitoring (Waiting until people's shields are low before attacking) -Hording power weapons. -plasma pistol combo (noob combo). -Grenade spamming. -Using the needler Feel free to share your insight on any of the listed Tricks/Tactics. Have fun debating!
I think people just get mad; because really, if you think that is noobish, then don't play the game. That's just how the game was made, and you've got to deal with it.
-Camping. Noobzor thing (duh) -Janitoring (Waiting until people's shields are low before attacking) It can be an accident, but either way. -Hording power weapons. It depends on the map, but not really -plasma pistol combo (noob combo).No, never, they are awsome. They are on the game for reasons. -Grenade spamming. IDK -Using the needler Not really, again, like the plasma pistol.
Bleh, you're only a noob if you can't counter this stuff. To be honest, I find the BR to be noobish. What's the point of an all round weapon? None of the other weapons get used.
See, the thing about people referencing "Noob" tactics is just them finding something that is easy enough to do with little counter. The Plasma BR combo (aka Noob combo) was put in the game for this very reason. Bungie created this plasma pistol combo with the intention of it being used in this way. Otherwise the plasma pistol would be the most underused piece of crap weapon in the game. "Noob" strategies are actually fairly innovative. Whoever saw the potential in the plasma pistol combo first was a f**kin genius. Then everybody started to use it and people started thinking it took no skill to do. Plus, these strategies were put in by Bungie on purpose to make Halo 3 one of the most social games on the market. Think about it, if your average person could just pick this game up and get the hang of it off the bat then everybody will love it. The only people on the short end of the stick were the competitive players who were used to BR fights and sniper battles, but they were shocked when they found that they were being killed once too often. Then everybody started using the "Noob" scapegoat to avoid admitting to theirself that they could not find a way to kill this guy. "Noob" strategies are not noob strategies at all, they are useful tactics.
None of them are "noob" tactics. Bungie periodically releases updates for Halo 3...notice how none of the tactics you've mentioned have been removed. Bungie intended for every one of those tactics to be used in the game, or else they would not have been put in the game in the first place. Plus, if you're even remotely good at Halo, none of those tactics stand a chance again you. And it's a video game. Getting angry at anyone based on the way they play it, save cheating or modding, is ridiculous. Play the game and enjoy it. If someone kills you with the plasma pistol/BR combo, plan how you're going to return the favor. Don't get mad.
-Camping. Legitimate Strategy. Some people don't like running into a firefight, and prefer to let people come to them. -Janitoring (Waiting until people's shields are low before attacking) Someone had to weaken your shields first, so either that is teamwork, you you just being a dumbass for trying to grenade jump. -Hording power weapons. Uhm, no? If you can get the power weapons, you have every right to use them at your will. -plasma pistol combo (noob combo). This was a ****ing good combo! Bungie made it incredibly weak in Halo 3. -Grenade spamming. The onlyt hing I hate, because I don't see how they get so many damn grenades. -Using the needler It's a weapon that is meant to be used... Anyway, I don't think this is a debate, because it really comes down to personal opinion.
-Camping. when your outnumbered, outgunned, and it's your last chance, take it. -Janitoring (Waiting until people's shields are low before attacking) on team games, its an assist. on ffa, its ksing -Hording power weapons. Better to spread them out amongst your teamates, but if in ffa, hell ya! -plasma pistol combo (noob combo). very effective with a br, the plamsa pistol can be used skillfully, or it can get you killed. -Grenade spamming. eww -Using the needler Legit, it's hard for CQC, and has a range. not even a power weapon. Hideing- When your teamates quit, youve got a lead, and you dont want to ruin it, go ahead.
-Camping. Perfectly fine, highly susceptible to grenade spamming -Janitoring (Waiting until people's shields are low before attacking) very hard to do on purpose -Hording power weapons. no, you can only hold 2 weapons, there are at least 3 on every map -plasma pistol combo (noob combo). perfectly balanced -Grenade spamming. very rare that someone will kill me with only 2 grenades -Using the needler way easy to dodge
Well, if they work, and they are not cheating, then they are a tactic. None of them are cheating, ands they can i don;t really get this thread, to be honest.
So basically being a noob is to be new at a game or suck at it. And if you are using these methods to get a lot of kills, well then you're not really a noob. They're all ways to play a game. I wouldn't really call them legit tactics other then plasma pistol br combo. I would call them cheap tactics.
Everything you listed is basically casual Halo 3 in a nutshell. heh. Isnt hoarding power weapons, dual wielding, using the needler(lolwtf?) and throwing grenades the idea? maybe i missed something. They are the game, so i don't see how they're cheating. if they decrease your chances of dying and increase your killing then why the **** not?
It appears that there is some controversy in this thread regarding what my definition of some of these tactics are. When I say its a noob tactic to whorde power weapons, Im speaking of some body who either betrays their teammates for power weapons, or waits for them to spawn. In my humble opinion, its fine to use power weapons if you see them, as long as you dont make the game unfun for your teammates. Secondly, stop assuming that I posted only the stuff that I considered unfair. I never said that any of these things were fair or unfair, I just wanted your opinions on the subject. Its not what tactic you use, its how you use it, I was just wondering which tactics were abused the most.
A fundamental basis of MLG is to time power weapon spawns. It's not cheap, it's not unfair. Bungie put power weapons into the game to be used. If your team can control the map and the power weapons in order to win, do it. Some of the best Halo 3 players in the world use this strategy, and it's one of the reasons why they're so good.
Lol this is very true. These "noob tactics" all serve purpose in the game, it just goes to show you have too much to complain about. I can say the only thing up there that annoys the piss out of me is the spamming o' grenades. When this occurs all I can do is sit there, say "wow, shoot your damn gun" and die. Those occurrences piss me off beyond belief, as for the rest of this it's not noobish. Needlers are so incredibly easy to avoid unless you're getting shot in the ass. I congratulate those who actually pick up the plasma pistol in Matchmaking, it seems I only find myself use it. Power weapons come with an adequate spawn time to accommodate the fact that they are well, power weapons. As sweeny put it, camping isn't hard to avoid, it's easy to realize (if you aren't a moron) which side of the map your opponents are hiding on, so why not just grenade em out or let em be suggesting your in the lead. This debate sucks.
-Camping. YES annoying much of the time -Janitoring (Waiting until people's shields are low before attacking) No, not really -Hording power weapons. YES again, going for one at the beginning is OK, but if u r always going to the rocket or a snipe on narrows... u know lol -plasma pistol combo (noob combo). Nah, i even do that lol -Grenade spamming. Yes, again. Annoying on construct especially -Using the needler no lol... i <3 needlers
Bullshit. Does the sniper and rockets on narrows get you kills? Yes, so you do it. Grenade spamming on construct obviously kills you, othewise you wouldn't think it annoying. So why would the other team not do something that gets them kills. Camping - if it works, you do it, simple. I got a rampage/perfection on sandtrap heavy once by camping with a laser. Its a tactic, get over it.
i think that bungie put them in the game for a reason. they are meant to be used. the only time i can see camping as bad is when you are being spawncamped by some idiot whos not even moving. if you're being camped by a guy cuz u keep tryin to kill him and keep failin, thats called stupidity. all of these tactics are legitimate and accpetable tactics, but when overused can be a pain in the ass. actually, ive never used or seen anyone use the "noob combo", which is odd because i hear about it alot
-Camping. = Legit. Your fault for going back and easily counter able. -Janitoring (Waiting until people's shields are low before attacking) = Legit. Pisses off everyone though. -Hording power weapons. = Legit -plasma pistol combo (noob combo). = Legit. Easy to Dodge. CQC also Legit -Grenade spamming. = To get kills, Just plain stupid. For people who can't though grenades properly. Pinning people down = Legit. Random across the map stupid but Legit. -Using the needler = It's a weapon, Legit. Your fault for not dodging. You got a problem, blame Stosh or Bungie for adding that Weapon.
I only dislike grenade spamming because it's just cheap. But it does take some skill, so I dunno. Define the term "noob". Everyone seems to have a different perception of the word.