OR Spartan Elite Hey everyone I'm just wondering if you prefer Spartan or Elites in matchmaking or in general. Give reasons why you choose the one you so desire and explain in good detail. You can have more than one choice but if you like both explain why you use one and why you use the other one. Start discussing....
This needs to be moved to the debate section. Personally, after many games of SWAT, I've grown to hate elites with a passion. Still can't get 'em in the back of the head... Spartan ODST all the way.
I thought if i put it here since its halo related I don't think it matters but i guess will a mod please move this to debates section..thanx
no more of an opinion based. And yes this thread has been made numerous times. And all turned into another spam thread.
Well, I'm going to go with spartan, I think the elite just looks dumb. I don't know why it just does.
Since people tend to NOT be Elites, I choose Elites, as enemies will have a harder time familiarizing themselves with the target (a.k.a you and your head)
Elites are homosexual dinosaurs that come from the ground. Spartans are kickass robots that destroy everything AND look cool.
TeXn, spartans are actually humans if you know the storyline at all. They have suits of armor though. I prefer spartans because I play MLG and SWAT a lot and I don't like elites in those playlists.
I'm almost always a spartan because my spartan looks so badass. however, when i play swat i switch to elite, which is equally badass but it's an elite so whatchyagonna do.
the elites look so much more original. the spartans are boring, i also mainly have the elite for the fact that no one else has one. the only spatan that looks cool is MC. just my opinion
I play as an Elite most of the time since they just look more awesome and have a great covenant backstory to them, plus you've GOT to laugh when you hear "aaaaiiii-eeeeee" in multiplayer lol.
Any other time a spartan, but if i'm doing team snipers i'll do elite since if you shoot thier neck no damage is taken:happy:
i like both, elites for thier exotic look, as well as the fact that they're original in their looks. i like spartans because they have more customization options, and the ones i have are better than the elite ones i have. i really like odst and hayabusa as well.
Although I I play as the spartan because of the katana armor I would like to switch to elites for swat and snipers but I think its too cheap to do, so i never do it so I think i will go with spartans
Spartand are the way to go. Elites are just too different. Matchmaking should be unified, like MLG. It's either all spartans or all elites, I think that is the only way things will be fair.
Elites. For one thing, everyone is always a Spartan, and it gets to the point where you see the same stuff over and over (I've played SWAT once, so that hasn't...affected my judgement.) Plus, my friend called the elites baby eaters. I do it for the lulz. And the elites have more entertaining death screams.
Personally, I prefer spartans as my clan does GB and MLG, so spartans are required. We're both practicing for what the rules say, and we get familiar with the head lol. In matchmaking, I play as a spartan, just cuz it's a pain to constantly switch (yes, I'm lazy on a videogame). Usually in social matchmaking, if you get paired with an elite, they generally don't know what "teamwork" is. It's frustrating to watch an elite miss an easy kill for instance, but maybe I'm just being prejudiced. There are BKs for both races, it's just that elites stand out more to me. The head thing has never been much trouble for me.