Tell meif i missed any but i think i got mostof them. as u can c i have also included equipment from campain because its not limited to just mm.
They are all great in different circumstances. You can't have just one that is the best overall. coughcamocough.
Invincibility owns all!!! No, you can't say which equipment is the best since they all have times when they suck.
Trip Mine is the best. If it can kill, its better than the rest, at least it is IMO. oh, and you forgot the laser turret thingy from campaign, but really, how many people liked that?
I like the grav lift, because most people's sensitivity is lower than mine (10), and so when I jump, they'll get confused, and I get more shots on them then they do.
I liked teh turrets... But srsly, firebomb grenade. Hands down. You don't even need to aim, just point in the general direction.
why the **** r u talking about grenades 4? and what turret thing? all i no is that u can rip them off.
He's talking about the auto turrets in the Campaign. They're pretty good, but it takes them forever to actually fire at an enemy. They did kill though...
are those the ones in the last level? cause if they are, i dont like 'em, the start shooting you once you've destroyed spark, and when i played the last level for the first time, i didnt know that, so i just placed em right in the main door, but later i found out that wasn't exactly a good spot, cause they could shot us easily PS: we put about 4 auto turrets there PS2: this is such a copy of the other thread with favorite guns, but w/ equipments ;0
Language, Dreem Toothpaste, language. In case Kapura isn't clear enough, grenades are under the equipment tab. So you lose.
Dude Auto Turret for sure. Its like having your own little Guilty Spark kindasortanotreally. But that thing sure does deal some damage so I dont have to take the whole heat. Too bad its not in MM, probally eats up to much processing time like the firebomb grenade. Still I like all the forerunner stuff, Wish there where more weapons and vehicles. After all I dont think they teloported everywhere did they... Whoa what about a personal teloporter, One use randomly teloports you somewhere on the map. Star Trek had that in its crappy MM and I like it... okay im done.
about the firebomb grenades, they r grenades, not equipment. if u look at the default button layout, x is deploy equipment. and if im not mistaken, fire grenades r thrown with the left trgger and there in the top left hand corner where the grenades r.
Invincibility is better than camo because you can get killed with camo... plus its more annyoing to the people shooting at you