Wow, it seems that EVERYONE LOVES Dreamy. i swear, i thought more questions would be posed about others, like Enlightenment or Meteor Shower.
i would normally say something like "I'm sorry but these pics suck!", but I'm not really sorry about it lol i don't see why everyone liked Dreamy so much all it is, is a guy randomly positioned in front of a few shield doors, and most of them are way to bright. there's nothing really special about any of them...and yet for some reason everyone on forgefub explodes about how great they are, and alot of the actually good screen shots get like 2 or 3 comments...its weird...
You are allowed to hold your own opinion on the forums, but that was kinda rude. Yet I still believe they're special, in a class of their own right. i put in work to get screenshots like these, and if you don't see that, then, i feel sorry for you. maybe you don't see the artistic side of the image. just the content. EDIT: ...and yea, good pics sumtimes get 2 or 3 comments... that's life. sorry.
Wow!Dude. Nice Pics 5/5 I really like the first, last, and the teleport one. Keep up the great work!!
There kool but I could make all those pics but better... but i still like them so dont go hostile over me.
thanks, Magg0t. appreciate the comment. again, thanks, and i wont go hostile. how do you think you could make them better?
I'm sorry but these are all pretty easy to get... Dreamy is ok, but all it is is sheild barriers crossed. You should work on your posing a little bit. And learn to use other things then just filters.
Actually, 6 of them are created with a grenade for the lighting effect. Also no need to advertise your pic in my thread. Sorry if that seemed kinda rude.
Yeah I know, Your just barly out of the explosion so it leaves that pale distored color effect instead of that dark red. And I fixed my comment, sorry I wasnt paying attention.
it's ok, and yea, that's how most of those pics were made. but they're really old. like, 7 months old.
Yeah, I understand. Thats how I started off too. Lol wayy bake when had its old files system.
All of these are incredible, but Meteor is so awsome I'm just going to stare at it for a few hours. SRSLY how did you do that?
i was bored in a friend's custom game in Blackout, so i jumped on one of the pillar thongs around Top Mid (one of the two in front of Lift 2) and chucked grenades in every direction while spinning. later that game i got a sweet no scope, so i went into theatre and found it by accident. Literally, it's just a grenade! SRSLY. sometimes ppl dont realize the best effects for screenshots are SIMPLE ones.
this was literally one post above (now 2 posts above) you. ppl need to read the comments in threads b4 posting. explaining over and over gets tiresome. EDIT: wow i musta typed the response faster than he can posted it. EDIT2: ...nvm...
I pretty much think Moonlite Sonata is the best because of the excellent posing =] too bad you cant add effects on blackout because well... Its more of a whiteout hen XD 4/5
All of them are very good, exept the laast two. They are kinda boring and casual. I love the other affects, my fav is Dreamy, or maybee the first one. Good job, hope to see more of them soon, btw can you teach me the dreamy effect. I know it has to do with shield doors though. So yeah?
Id be glad to. i PM'd u. EDIT: and why is my thread so extremely stretched out? ill ask sum1. EDIT2: I ADDED ONE NEW PIC "Thru the Wire" SECOND TO LAST!! i want ppl to notice that lol ^^