Max's Mingame Map Pack v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Maxwell360, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Death by SUMO!
    Created by Maxwell360
    Supported Gametypes:
    Custom King of the Hill variant (MAX Sumo)

    Map Description
    This is basically my take on Sumo. I know that it is not an "original" idea but the whole map layout sure is. To win you must try and score points on the hill. However, it is not that easy. Other players will try and knock you off of the hill so try and hold your ground and rack up those points! You get 1 point per second in the hill and ten points for knocking a player off the platform to their demise or by splattering them. First to 200 points wins!
    Clashing in the Hill
    One of the Four Starting Ramps
    Speeding off the Ramp
    Holding the Hill
    Max Dies... lol
    Thanks for taking the time to check out my map!
    Download Death by SUMO!
    Download MAX Sumo

    Created by Maxwell360
    Supported Gametypes:
    Custom Assault variant (KBWL08 Rules)

    Map Description
    My sports game. It is a bit like Grifball I will admit but it is very unique. The nets are "Kwulball Hoops" which are a bit like basketball hoops. There are 3 different ball spawn points lined up in the centre of the field to add some more variety to the ball receiving. Players are now able to use spike grenades to STICK there opponents. Other things that make the game unique are the multiple ways to SCORE. Nothing but NET. The ball carrier also turns purple!

    Other things such as the round duration have been changed aswell. The round is now continueous and the first to 10 points wins.
    "Kwulball Hoop"
    Nothin' but Net
    Thanks for taking the time to check out my map!
    Download KBWL08 Court
    Download KBWL08 Rules

    Ruin Crater V2
    Created by Maxwell360
    Supported Gametypes:
    Custom King of the Hill Variant (Ruin V2)

    Map Description


    - Changed gametype to KOTH so that players will die instantly when falling the crater
    - KOTH fixed the problem of sometimes dieing while on the platforms
    - Removed sheild doors becauseit hindered player's view and made the map look un-proffesional
    -Enabled Teams
    - Modded map so that it supports 8 players instead of only 4

    How the game is played

    This map is basically a chaotic mini game. This map supports 8 players and each player is equipped with a Gravity Hammer that does no damage, but is a great tool for knocking opposing players into the pit (crater).

    The game consist of 1 round with each character having 3 lives and every time you knock a player into the pit you score 10 points. The player or team with the most points wins.

    Equipment on Map:

    The map also has some equipment and powerups to help you in the match. in each corner there is a powerup,these spawn 30 seconds into the game. These include,

    x2 Deployable Cover (great for blocking players paths.
    x2 Flare

    On top of that there is one custom power up in the center of the map that spawns after 60 seconds. The powerup lasts for 10 seconds and makes you move 25% faster and the ability to do damage (25%) Once the powerup is picked up the player turns gold and it is suggested that players team up on this character so that they don't die.

    Map Layout:

    The map is basically a ring with 4 bridges leading up to a platform in the center that has a Custom powerup on it. If you decide to go out on the bridges I wish you luck because the shrapnel from the fusion coial and propane tanks CAN hurt you but it is sometimes worth it to get that powerup!


    1. In the unlikely event that you get propelled out of the arena, go find a teleporter to knock you back in.

    2. Take advantage of the opposing players and use there swings to propell you to where you want to go. (ex. Behind the player for a quick assasination or the other side of the ring)

    3. Use the deployable covers to block players paths.

    4. Use flare to blind opposing players while you run away or force them into the pit.

    5. Make sure that you team up with other players to kill the person who picks up the power up because remember, they are faster and they can do damage!

    6. Time your attacks.

    7. Remember you can use the Gravity hammer to make yourself Jump Higher so hit the floor and jump to propell yourself to the other side of your opponent.

    8. Do not just run in blind, have a strategy and never just button mash.

    9. Try forcing other players onto the bridge while you remain safe behind a Sheild door or a bubble sheild.

    10. Have fun!
    Am I Dead?
    Thanks for taking the time to check out my map!
    Download Ruin Crater V2
    Download Ruin V2

    Please take the time to view my other maps aswell:
    Hierarch Crown (S.S.S.)
    Ruin Crater
    Plasma Ball
    MJB Mansion (Gears of War)
    Ruin Crater V2
    Death by SUMO!
  2. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2)

    I like the sumo one the best. In all honesty I never got a chance to play basketball. And the Ruin Crater may look a little annoying.
  3. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2)

    Indeed, the sumo map is the best. Great job interlocking the arena to make it round. And I like the takeoff ramps. The kwulball doesn't look original at all though. The only differences is that the goal is up more and the people have spike grenades. For the crater map, I think it is too small of a map for me if you play with more than four people it looks likely that they will spawn right by you
  4. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2)

    Actually the spawn points are placed strategically around the map. (8 of them to be exact). This prevents players from spawning infront of you. Kwulball is a fun play even if it isnt "original" it holds its own against Grifball. I know people hate it when people say this but it is true! Everyone who has tried it wanted to play it again, it has yet to be deamed a bad map!
  5. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2)

    I didn't say it was bad, just not that original, because its pretty hard to ruin grifball, its just so fun. And I'm glad to hear that the spawn points are well placed in the crater map
  6. a coco pebbie

    a coco pebbie Ancient
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    Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2)

    wow i can honestly say ive seen all these maps but with different names lol wat did you do see maps and change like one thing?
  7. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2)

    Name the maps.
  8. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
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    Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2)

    I'm sorry, but none of these maps seem to appeal.

    And all because of lack of originality.

    Sumo already exists, and that court isn't good enough to excuse a remake.

    The basketball game likewise already exists.

    Finally, while the design (not one platform surrounded by death but rather a bit more complicated) of the Crater game is somewhat original, the idea behind the game is most definitely not.

    Sorry, but I don't really think these maps appeal to me. Work a lot on originality and try again.

  9. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2)

    Thanks for the feedback man!
  10. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2)

    Not bad, the first and last are probably the better of the three. While I agree with most of the comments about originally, not everyone is able to think of a 100% original idea each time. Some people just like to refine previous ideas or slightly modify them, these maps are a good example of some mason work.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2)

    i think you should have put the hill around the whole circle just my opinion

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