This map has a lot o great hiding spots to make a great game of hide & seek. I didn't create a gametype because i figure many people would have their own way of playing so i left it at that : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Where the seeker starts. Can't get out Then the grav lift spawns after 30 secs. You're now out and ready to find people This is the overall view of the map Here is a good hiding spot
Good Thought I like the idea for this map, I myself also love to play hide and seek and I have made lots of maps for it. The couple things I would change would to make the seeker stay in the box for 45 seconds instead of 30 to give the people more time to hide. Also I would take out some of the walls that encloses the stuff and expand it out more. You also need to put more things in such as barrels, crates, dumpsters, things of that nature. Make sure to put a barrel in the single box opens so that the people can get back out. I would make the map another story higher in some places, and make some ledges around the stuff for people to stand on. 4/5
yah the time part i was gonna change that and i just put the walls in so it would not be so easy to find all the hiding spots
well The map is a little sloppy- but Hide and seek is always fun and you really ruined the fun by saying "Heres a good hiding spot" and shows all of the secrets of the map you should try fixing all of the objects that look sloppy and interlock them or place them carefully together
Not too shabby (whatever that means). I made a different form of hide and seek and this is definitely a exciting game. Nice idea on the grav-lift counting system, i'm glad you didn't do the 'okay, everyone, if your zombie close your eyes and count to thirty' thing, for obvious reasons. As for the map, it looks a lil shabby, maybe fix it up, make more terrain and make the hiding spots less obvious; hiding spots shouldn't be obvious, they should be something you just barely notice. And make it so when your in a hiding spot, you have good visibility, that makes things exciting, especially when the zombie passes by you. Very good start, its a good sign to see originality form the get go. Happy forging! And apparently you stole one of my race maps, the atv offroad fury. I don't recall making such a race, so disregard that. Be advised that stealing maps if highly against the rules tho.
Good idea, I haven't seen this before. If you want to make it really intense, give the hiders a weak invisibility.
hide and seek is fun but i see no visible merging and the bridges to that box on its end in the middle would be very hard to walk on and might require a jump... I'd say make a version 2 after look at how to merge things... good idea though...
very good idea. Very fun and creative i like it. and the seeker starting in the box is a great idea 5/5
not bad but you need to work on filling the map by this i mean adding boxs dumster barles thats kinad of stof and yoiu should use interlocking your map would look a lot better