Does anyone else think Epilogue, Boundless, and Sand Tarp should be availabe to forge? I have so many ideas for boundless but can't put them to use!
There's a thread right above yours ^ (Can't find matchmaking...) . If you look in it you should be able to find a custom variant of Epilogue, Boundless, Sand Tarp, Pit Stop etc. Download them from and then you can edit the map.
LOL these maps you speak of are available. You still will have trouble with boundless. I swear snowbound is one hard ass map. Good luck on this and any other future forges though. I would love to see what you come up with. Please link me upon release. ~forgegod117~
There should be a place you can download them on If you can't find them to download just find them in MM. Then go to your recent games list and save the map. You should then be able to edit it.
This is a Halo discussion thread. Even though the problem is solved its most likely not going to be locked unless its in Customer Service.