a mix of predator and hide n seek puts a fun spin on gameplay. You need to take a good look around to find the spot you want to barricade yourself in but hurry.Take a quick glance becuz zombies movement is 300 and gravity is 50.dont breathe heavy because he will here you.Scoring is based on last man and zombie kills Links to map Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Links to game variant Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Predownload reassurement(pics) have fun dont hide somewhere twice!
I am wondering why have you posted this three times in a row. But the map looks alright. A bit messy in places but this is a hide n seek map so it might not effect gamplay at all. 3/5
Good question sir because the other two didnt have embed pics so as not to frusturate the admins i made a new one to show im not stupid
It doesn't make you look any better when you triple post the same map three times when you could have just posted once and edited the first thread. Also what is up with your Sig. Just go to customize profile and edit signature. Welcome to forge hub ~forgegod117~