I saved a modded map like this. It has large flood structures on Isolation. Although I dont recall ever seeing acually Flood AI on the map. Please elaborate.
That is photoshop. notice all the infectioon forms are in the same pose. And it could be modders. Where did you find this.
I feel like I'm being tricked... Flood in Sandbox? Lmao edit- yeah photoshop is probably the answer. Why do only two of them have shadows?
This was in a video featured on Bungie.net recently. They actually moved, so it's clearly not Photoshop. Hey, sup?
Yeah, I thought I saw that video featured on Bunige.net! I'm guessing that they used Sony Vegas or something like that to edit it. Bungie wouldn't promote a video with modding in it.
There's at LEAST 20 modded maps with flood on them...you can even mod Invincibility from the campaign on Iso . I don't know if you're allowed to post modded pics on FH though... And if you think that's cool? They haz floating sentinel's with shields as well
Not Photoshopped. Watch the latest episode of matchmaking. Here: http://www.vimeo.com/2858829 Check 2:13 ish
IT'S A MODDED MAP! I don't know how many times it's been said but that map is modded! You can mod maps to have flood on them. It's been done before, even bungie has modded their own maps to have flood on them. Great example is one of their thank you vids. It can be found here. I can't believe people are actually taking this stuff serious. It's just a vid that's got a modded map.
The three guys that create the Matchmaking series are friends with a few people who mod maps. They even used the modded High Ground map for one of their episodes long before the map got out. Don't take this all seriously, guys. Please.