I made this a while back for a video used in Halo Community Live, sorry I cant post a link it couldn't be uploaded to YouTube because of copyrights I thought I should post it here in case anyone wanted to do something similar: Link to DTH Concert Hall From Audience: Band Logo: Drumset: Speakers:
Wow, i really like the look of it, especially those speakers, good job 5/5 EDIT: Good geomerging by the way
This is awsome, but...Its only possible for oddball (or assault, idk which). I'm still DLing it though. I would make it more out of senery. But good job, 9/10.
its an aesthetic map, most of them arent supposed to be playable, and im guessing this one isnt either
hey, looks really nice, although only able to see in forge oddball/assault. I like the look of the speakers, nice geomerging. maybe put bleachers in, like in ONI amphitheatre. that is a really good example. I like the respawn cymbals.
Hey your dat guy from halo 3 mythbusters cool! Great map, you should ass bleachers or like a mosh pit game type with alot of gravity!
Hey C0OL beans nice map very aesthetically pleasing. did that get into one of the hcl skits i missed it. also remember cool beans stealththeone4modplz ^^^inside joke^^^
thats pretty cool. you could prob make a cool pic and get on b.favs for it. really cool. 5/5. i like the drums the best
LoL This is epic. the way you created the drums and speekers has got me flipin out. I also see a mic stand . The map is great Imo and for a near perfect replica of a real stage, ill give you 4/5. Not 5/5 cus im mean >
This is really cool. I love the drums. The stage is so clean looking. I play music so its fun to see something related.
Wow, this is great. The drums are great; I just like how the look. The mic is great. The speaker things are great. Just a great aesthetic map. You obviously know how to interlock. Great job. Nice tele-writing. Great job.
Thanks guys, I'll try to make a gametype so its more fun to mess around on. I stole the drum and the speaker ideas from a screenshot I saw by o0JakeOo