Geez, that is epic. I used to watch these bouncing videos all the time, but I never could do them. Is there some method that makes it easy or something?
I only knew like two spots to do this lol, and you had like half a million. I think I'm gona go break out my halo 2 disc and actually mess around with this some.
I'm probably going to be bouncing again today so if anyone wants to learn some bounces you can come with me lol.
Ahh, super jumps were always fun. I wish halo 3 had some, super jumps were one of the reasons i loved playing halo 2 for a long time.
That was really good scop. My friend got a capture card so were recently been doing alot of glitch videos. /thegearsproject If you want to check it out.
That's pretty sick. I could never super bounce cuz I was stupid at halo 2 but w.e i saw u were on halo 2 today btw lol