
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ChrisV41, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. ChrisV41

    ChrisV41 Ancient
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    Created by ChrisV41

    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Slayer (Best Suited for 2v2, 1v1 works well, 3v3 can get pretty hectic)
    FFA (Up to 6)

    Recently I've been spending loads of time working on a very intricate map that has just been a pain and I was getting tired of working on it, so I took a break. Meanwhile, I decided to take a look back at all my previous Forge creations before I became a member here at Forgehub and learned all the tricks. While many of them looked like just plain garbage, I found one that I thought actually had potential... So I polished off all the rust, and here it is.​

    When I started this map, I had "Elongation successor" in my head, but the more I kept revising the blueprints, the less it looked like Elongation. It became a new creation, with a unique feel to it. Please note: This map was made around 8 to 10 months ago, before I learned all of the interlocking/geomerging techniques, so don't be surprised when you don't see much of them.

    Map Description
    This is a very simple map, yet it is also one of the most competitive maps which I have ever built and played on, and is best suited for 2v2. It is about 90% symmetrical. There is one base on each side composed of bridges where the teams spawn. (A little variation was implemented in this area so you could be able to tell which side you are on.) One very important aspect of the gameplay: you can get on top the bridges for a tremendous height advantage.
    I know I will get some responses about how there is "N0t en0ugh Interl0x!!" or "n0 ge0-merging?!". But honestly, I couldn't find a place on the map where interlocking or geomerging would've improved the gameplay. So enough with all my babbling, here are some pics.​

    Weapons List
    2 Battle Rifles, 1 spare clip, 60 sec respawn
    2 maulers, 0 spare clips, 60 sec respawn
    1 sword, 120 sec respawn
    2 carbines, 2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn
    2 smgs, 2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn
    2 plasma rifles, 30 sec respawn
    6 plasma grenades

    Overview. Red base is on the left side, Yellow base on the right.

    Yellow Base

    Carbine Stand (yellow side)

    View from on top of Red Base

    Carbine Stand (Red side)

    View of Center Structure

    Another view of Center Structure

    Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated! If anyone has any suggestions for a v2, I would gladly hear you out.​

    #1 ChrisV41, Jan 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2009
  2. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Even with no interlocking/geomerging (that I can see), this map looks pretty awesome. Some parts of it look open, but I haven't actually played on it yet. I will download and try to get a game or two on it first so I can see spawns, flow, etc. I will comment back later.

    edit- I looked through it by myself, jumped around for about 10 minutes. I actually really like the flow of the map. I did feel that side A had a little bit more cover than side B, and I'm not exactly a fan of the crates. Remember, "create geometry, not cover" is a good saying to go by. But I know you made this long ago and I'm looking forward to trying some of your new maps now that you are introduced to the ways of forging.
    #2 zeppelinboy777, Jan 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2009
  3. ChrisV41

    ChrisV41 Ancient
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    Thanks zeppelin, and the places that you see look open, actually flow really well into the gameplay. I had tried to place objects to make those areas less open, but then it just felt crowded and worsened the gameplay.

    Also, I'm setting up a game later to show this map to some friends, you can join if you want. My gt is CV41. Send me a FR if you want to join in.
  4. Silver17

    Silver17 Ancient
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    Looks pretty damn sweet, I love where the energy sword spawns.
  5. ChrisV41

    ChrisV41 Ancient
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    Hey guys, I just noticed something...The download link I previously had up there was to the old Longevity, before I made some very important changes. When I uploaded the newer version to my fileshare, I guess I forgot to take out the old version. Sorry about that lol. But the link is fixed now!
  6. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    I remembered playtesting this with you! Gah 2 on 2 was INTENSE. This map plays beautifully. I don't know why this thread isn't more popular.

    But anyways, back to the map. I know the gameplay doesn't resemble Elongation like, at all, as you were hoping it would when you first started out, but still, i can't stress how extremely fun the map is gameplay wise. It may seem kind of small at first, and somewhat open, but there are just so many ways to move around strategically, and quickly, to defeat your opponenet. If you know what you're doing on this map and can move around effectively as a team, you'll have a huge advantage.

    There are also some nice sightlines. For instance, You can see from carbine stand to carbine stand through the sword spawn area. This can be used as a huge advantage. If you see an opponent at the enemny Carbine Stand and he's layin down some fire on you, just tell your teammate to get up on your Carbine stand and get a quick kill with the carbine. He will be too pre-occupied with trying to kill you that he won't even notice your teamate and then BAM!- death...

    Lol ok enough with the praise, now let's get down to the criticism, which actually, isn't that much. First off, the sword can become waaay too power. I suggest setting it on an even longer respawn time or maybe setting it to spawn a minute or two after the game starts. Also, you can get on top of the bridges which is a definate plus and adds another element to the gameplay, BUT, they offer no cover whatsoever. If you get stuck up there in a spraydown, you're pretty much giong to lose.

    Good job and great map. Overall, I give it a 4.7 / 5
  7. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Looks like it can offer some good gameplay. I see no interlocking or geomerging, but just because it doesn't have those things means it's bad. Excellent layout and I like the parts of Foundry that you used. Some parts should have been interlocked and the boxes and bridges should be flipped over.

    I am recommending a v2 with those things, but other than that good map!
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    If you had done some minor interlocking, and i do mean minor, and flipped the bridges so i didnt have to see that god aweful view of the top side so much, this would be a totally badass map. I like to see large maps on foundry where the design is simple and it could ACTUALLY look like a map. The structures could easily be skinned and be a map in the actual game.... unlike most maps now with random geomerged structures with aweful placement.

    you have got my download regardless. i do recommend a minor touchup though... and maybe some of the less popular weapons.. cause the weapon variety is a little weak. I mean like plasma pistols, brute shots... etc
  9. ChrisV41

    ChrisV41 Ancient
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    Thanks silence, but I've got a got a question: where exactly would you say needs interlocking? I'd say the carbine stands with the A and B signs, but I can't really find anything else in need of it?

    And also, as for the weapons, I thought about brute shots but they would pretty much destroy the crates...

    OK, so I devised a list of improvements for a v2. Here they are:
    1. flip the bridges and boxes
    2. change sword to spawn 90 sec into the game
    3. add a needler in the open area shown in pic 5 next to the stickies for more weapon variety (and possibly more weapons, who knows)
    4. Add interlocking wherever thesilencebroken says...

    Anyways, that's all i got for now. If you think of more improvements, im glad to hear it! thanks for all the feedback.
  10. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    you really seemed to put a good description in to it, also maybe interlock and geo merge some of the stuff so people think that you really put some good time and that you really care about how your maps are and how they should be
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    just anywhere really that really feels it could use it. doesnt need to be extreme.

    if you're worried about the crates moving, which could be a good thing or bad thing depends on how you view it, put a weapon holder on certain ones and allow the others to move around to change it up a little.

    plus, i recommend some more dual weapons. Spikers, Plasma pistols, magnums. It does may a difference. The sword is fine at start, but i recommend a full 180 second spawn. Swords are powerful.
  12. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    And seriously don't forget to add some cover on the bridges! I'm not really sure how yet but I'm sure you could think something up. Waitin on the v2, notify me when it's been complete. Or if you need some help revising I'd be glad
  13. ChrisV41

    ChrisV41 Ancient
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    OK, so I flipped all the bridges and the boxes so everything looks clean. And I also added some cover on top of the bridges. But still, I could use some advice on the spawns and weapon placement. If some of you want to test the new version in a 2v2 and match and help me out with some of that it would be great.

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