halo 1 boarding action idea

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Fatty Time, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. Fatty Time

    Fatty Time Ancient
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    I just found forge hub the other day and i was looking around for a good boarding action map. All the ones i could find were on foundry. I made this map along time ago and thought you guys could inprove on it cause i dont know how to get the spawns right. I always spawn on the outside.

    I don't know if this is the right forum for this but its casual maps so whatever.
    download Here.... Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details


  2. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    It looks like it could be really nice with some touchups. It looks like there is only one, maybe two ways up. Not that you have to, but interlocking would really increase the map's flow. Good job overall though.
  3. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    I would say it looks basic and primitive. And why are there no spawn points within cover? All of the spawns are out in the open. Some interlocking would make the walls more smooth and some geomerging would make the side on the ground more even (or else it'll be bumpy due to original map geometry). and each level needs more depth.

    note: why is your first pictures budget $144, then the rest on are $178
    and when you say "you guys improve on it," do you mean that you give us permission to DL this map, "remake" it and claim it as our own, or are you just giving us ideas?
  4. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    It is an okay version of boarding action. It looks incredibly crampy and stuffy. Anybody could break out of this map. And with interlocking and merging this map could be unbelievable. Rather impressive for a first map post if you ask me. You followed all directions and posted a nice thread. Cookies for that.

    Your map is just lacking that extra flare that makes people play it over and over again. Some suggestions I can make are.....

    ~Textures are very annoying. Try color coding on side blue and the other red. That would be epic

    ~Try forging 101 for techniques on interlocking and geomerging.
    ~Apply these techniques to your map.
    ~use rest of budget to build wall.
    ~It would seem that when you spawn you always start shooting an enemy.

    Try and fix these mistakes and then you will have my cheers. As of right now it could use some improvement.

  5. Joen@thanishere

    Joen@thanishere Ancient
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    i like the idea of the map because i do remember this lvl, but still there are some items here that are crooked, and like what forgegod117 said above me, look for those forums in forging 101 for more tips
  6. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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  7. AfroNinja117

    AfroNinja117 Ancient
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    yo, looks good for a first timer, could use some work tho, if you need help, send me a FR, gt= AfroNinja117

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