Headshots Only? Help!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by larryolive, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. larryolive

    larryolive Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm trying to make a game type for a map that is in the making. I need like a headshots only gametype but with gravity hammers. I need a gametype where you cant beatdown or anything but like you can get splattered by a soccer ball. If any one can help me that would be nice? You can message me here on xbl: OK Super Star . plz help so i can make my map alot more fun
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Impossible. Gametypes can be set so you can not die from any means EXCEPT assassination or splatter. You cannot set it so you cannot die ever and that headshots only kill. I also believe that you can't set it to just headshots, and especially not with a soccer ball, which would kill you due to splatters.
  3. The Demons Den

    The Demons Den Ancient
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    Like the above poster said you can't choose what kills you but you can choose what you get points for. Go to scoring and change the kill points to 0. Then put "splatter bonus" on one. I think that should make it so that only splatters score points. good luck.
  4. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    Just to add on to this: Make sure to set assassinations to -1 so it cancels the point that you gain for it.
  5. larryolive

    larryolive Ancient
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    alright thanks for the help
  6. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okay so you want a game type were players can't kill each other by hitting one another right? You could turn player damage down to zero, the gravity hammers will still nock the soccor balls around, and change the scoring on assasinations. You could even make players lose extra points for assassinations.
  7. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    You can make a headshots only gametype, sort of. But it wouldn't work in this situation.
    You set it so that people have 2000% Damage Resistance and no sheilds.

    For this situation I would recommend turning peoples damage to 0% and leaving their damage resistance at 100% or maybe lower or higher depending on the details.
    You can't turn off assassinations but you can make them give negative points via the scoring options.

    Wooh, that was a bit of a block of text. If you're still needing help, msg be or FR me on XBox Live or send me a PM here. You can PM me by clicking my name to the left of this post, just in case you didn't know.
  8. Katana Master

    Katana Master Ancient
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    That would be your best option...:lol:

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