This is straight off the original "boxxybabee" channel, which was apparently hacked. Apparently there is more to the "boxxy" scene then one would expect. The funny part about it, is that this is a whole lot of scheming I've been witness from /b/ and chan's alike. It's really ****ed up, because these people at the majority of chan's are so ****ed up in any thread created, but they are pulling some seriously conspiring ****. It's really intriguing me.
Well thank you for linking me here. I saw it and i know who Boxxy is, we even had the BOXY clan going on COD4 earlier. All the cool FH people i mean* I dont get it, this is all stupid. Its just a damn video.
They're just mad they cant make videos that get 1,000,000 views in 6 days... Jelous hoes. I dont really know what trollin is eather so..
Except for her voice, i think shes pretty good looking i don't see what all the fuss is about... she just posts videos, right? whats the deal?
Apparently she broke the nerd policy for 4chan about having a ****** roam their interwebs.. she was forever hated afterward.
Thats not true, she will still be loved by people like me =] But damn, why hack an acount for somthing so stupid as that video?