This seems like an okay game type and map, but I do have some questions about it: The zombies seem a little bit tough, I know you said people would complain about it, but it just seems like it would be a problem unless you had a shotgun, and not everyone can have one (hopefully). Still I will DL and test this out. I'll pm you what I think about it.
While the shotgun is usually the weapon most people like to get their hands on, the other weapons are just as handy. The SMG and assault rifle, on their own, and especially paired with a Br/Magnum wielder, can dish out tons of damage. Br's and magnums can knock off zombies in 3-5 hits, holding them off before they even get to your building. Snipers, with good aim, can control an entire street for some time. The only real advantage the shotgun has is the ability to defend yourself on your own. And then only from near point-blank ranges. And if you feel the gametype is too hard, that's why I made Wuss Zombies.
once again someguy you pull off another great edit. ive played this version, (double sinpe lololol!) this edit is as fun as any other, the addition of more health improves the realistic feeling to the game. also make sure you get me to help with your new version of Township when the mythic comes out.
Props for being the funniest infection post I've seen, while also conveying a serious feeling of pure win. Wow. This is amazing. Oh, and I read the whole post. Here, have an asterisk! *
I completely agree with Orbital. I love the slight tweaks made to the gametype, as well as the improved entry point for the zombies. I remember in the last version the zombies couldn't always jump over the first time, and I'm glad that was fixed. And I am excited as well to see more Township style maps in the future using the Mythic maps.*
Alright, a new Township map! Did you add that inner-half-balcony to the worthless house w/ the smg, pallet, and fence-wall? I see you added a window panel to it. Does it make it so zombies have to crouch to get in, like the junk house? And speaking of the junk house, did you fix the spot where you can enter while crouching? Can't wait to play the map, great job. Too bad you abandoned the idea of the health packs in the center. Oh, and Dthen, if you turn around, go to the end of the hallway and into the other foundry room-like pit, you'll find a soccer ball. Knock yourself out. Edit: Wait, they have shields? What's the damage resistance? (A single sniper bullet to the body will still kill any zombie, right?)
Woah there, l337! lots of questions. No, I couldn't add a similar split to the building like in B corner... didn't have the materials. However I made it a crouch room with 2 entrances into it. Get 2 people with preferably shotguns in there, and you'll be sweating some. The junk house was made so that at first people would just blindly crouch in, and get spanked by humans, but if they look closer, there's a faster way in, creating a way for the zombies to team up and take the humans down. Health packs simply didn't work because if you went out to get them, zombie would just assassinate you from the rooftops and, game over. The shields work just like the health before, just in.. .well... shield form. Overall it's about 2x the health, but with a double respawn time. A sniper shots to the head kills all, and a body shot cripples both. Regular zombies are pretty much an SMG bullet from death, and Alphas are weakened considerably but able to be dangerous. I made the change to shields so that you can get the bonus of headshots, but not so much that 1 clip of Br could = 12 dead zombies.
Crap, so I'm gonna have to get a lot better w/ the sniper...oh well, thanks for answering. At least you enabled headshots now. Do you get points for assists? Still, great job, can't wait for the sandbox remake. Are you gonna try and make it around the same size, or are you gonna stick w/ the 12-house grid? Still, definite dl, very interested if anybody wants to get a game going.
It all depends on if it's a forge map, and if so, the pallet size and type of objects. I'm hoping, personally, for something like double the number of objects. Then I could have 12 two-floor buildings, making them much more varied and up the epic. But I don't want to get my hopes up high...
*Looks Awsome! i would love to play this sometime (i have no friends.) Gamertag is Crushric, invite me if you want someone who has a both tram mentallity (left 4 deadwise) and a look its zombie fight them and i'll get the achivment mentallity. but seriousely i would love to play this A+ so invite me if your playing this
wow nice map i love it. i do lan partys a lot and this would be a great infection map. up there right next to racoon city 4.5/5. seams open thoe but very good layout. i love how some guns are hidden thoe=]
Although I'm not the biggest fan of this map, as I don't really enjoy random town maps, this is definitely my second favorite random town map for infection. It definitely does the job of entertaining very large parties, and it is extremely fun when you get a lot of people playing. The one thing that I find awesome, is the similarity to I am Legend/Nightfall in that you get 2 minutes to set up before they come. Although a few people leave in that 2 minutes....
Well Somethig. I finally found my old forgehub thing and i would just like to say that this map has become my favorite for infection.
Well, Nightfall makes you wait 3 minutes, and I believe there's nothing to do except sit in the box. If I had the resources I'd probably find more stuff to occupy the zombie's time, it IS something that gets on people's nerves...
I miss being able to get the soccer ball into the hallway. With that arena built out of barriers, it's impossible. That's one of the things I miss from the older version. As a zombie in one of the older versions, you could practice dribbling in the zombie spawn hallway. Now that the map has a man cannon from which the zombies enter the town, you could bring the soccer ball with you if only those barriers didn't keep the soccer ball in its arena. It did make being a zombie more enjoyable when the soccer ball was allowed more freedom.