Halo 1's Longest

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Cynder123, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. Cynder123

    Cynder123 Ancient
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    The other day I decided I was going to Replicate a halo 1 map. I saw there was a few already done pretty poorly but nobody had tried to do Longest. So then I started working on it. After about 4 hours I decided that i didn't like where the things were ending up. So i scraped everything and started over. That trend went on quite a few times until i got it just right.

    Stairs Going up to the second level

    looking from the top of the stairs

    Looking at the shotgun room

    Looking down one of the hallways

    Please Download!!!

    The Pictures Don't show everything! Like always I'm open for suggestions !
  2. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Welcome to Forge Hub, please take a minute to read the Rules

    Well, this looks very good! You seem to have read the rules since you have pictures, but you need to embed them. It might sound crazy, but people here are lazy and won't click on links. LOl...

    use this:
    [img]URL OF PIC HERE[/img]
    This map looks really good, especially for a first map. :D
  3. Cynder123

    Cynder123 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im glad you liked it, thank you for the heads up about the pictures!

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